Babylon 5: 4x22 The Deconstruction of Falling Stars - 3/27 @ 11PM ET

Love the Hypertext Captioning.

Still waiting for that. Why can’t the networks do that yet?

That hairstyle is coming back! In about 200 years. :slight_smile:

That’s Sehlat.

that would be frakkin cool

So, who are you on this panel?

I’m Tanner.

This guy must be descended from a long line of Fox News anchors.

I think Henry is on FOX News

Yeah, me too. Maybe a bit of the senator too.

Hrm…this is better watching with commercials. You need a bigger break between time changes.

“They actually didn’t do anything.”


We could line up some ads on YouTube if you’d prefer to pause between them. :slight_smile:

This host isn’t very biased getting agitated with the panelist.

History is based only on what they know at the time…

Now THAT is what I want to know about…


Yeah. The last telemovie was supposed to be about David. Never happened, though.

Absolutely love Delenn’s entrance here. Soooo chilling.

Delenn’s the Devil!!!

Speak her name, and she appears!!! :eek:

Delenn is a fiction…
…lies and myth…
…Sheriadn was a megalomanic

…oh Hi Delenn

That tells you something about the power of the Rangers and the Alliance.