Babylon 5: 4x11 Lines of Communication - 2/13 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, February 13th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Touch passion when it comes your way, Stephen. It’s rare enough as it is. Don’t walk away when it calls you by name.”

Anyone here tonight?

I’m here and started.

I’m amazed watching this at time, how close ISN became to what Fox News is today.

I’ve been watching Bruce Boxleitner in a very craaappy [strike]Sci Fi[/strike] SyFy (ugh) movie called Transmorphers.

Talk about an uneven career in sci-fi. :rolleyes:

Silly Minbari, it’s always as bad as the reports indicate, if not worse.

Somehow, I’d like to believe that the Earth populace of the future wasn’t as gullible with ISN as so many are with Faux News. :frowning:

Delenn can lay down the nicest smackdown.

She does it with such grace & elegance

And then reality comes back to squash our dreams …

I love Number One!

Always dangerous when Sheridan stews!

“What am I, chopped flarn?” :smiley:

“You have a face people trust.”
“I’d rather have a face that people fear.”
“That too.” :smiley:

What great schools the Minbari have, the monistaries not only teach religion, but also how to fly and fight a warship.

CHOO CHOO! Look out here comes the Sheridan Train!

I don’t know if it was me I’d buy into Franklin’s promises

Warrior monks aren’t really that rare in human cultures, either.

I like that Leneer entered a combat stance while 20 feet away from the guy with the gun.

LOL yes I’m sure he can move that fast! :wink: