Babylon 5: 4x06 Into The Fire - 1/23 @ 11PM ET

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“So what are you going to do, Mollari? Huh? Blow up the island.”

Unfortunately, tonight I can not stay up to watch this one. Have fun guys!

Sorry to hear that. Night, Aset.

Bummer. Night Aset, see you next week.

Lorien impressed by Sheridan is high praise.

night aset!

The nebula in the background are the Towers of Creation in the Eagle Nebula.

“it’s importantot have them all”

so—the First Ones are like Pokemon?

“They’re almost as old as the Vorlons. They haven’t spoken to anyone outside their own race in centuries. I’ll introduce you.”
“But they’ll remember you?”
“Oh yes.” :smiley:

bwhahahahahaha!!! :smiley:

Another great thing about this show, they used real space images from the Hubble telescope in the CGI.

A. Cool.

B. Cheap bastards! :smiley:

They must owe Lorien money…

I am off to sleep. Ihope you enjoy the next show.

I always liked the symmetry of this battle. The show began after the end of the futile “Battle of the Line”. And now it’s setting up another.

have a good night Leah

Virini is another favorite character.

“Tell her to ‘haul ass’, but that seems to be a very undignified position from which to command the White Star fleet.” :smiley:

“…Love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion.”

Such a powerful speech.

I love Lorien’s explanation of death.

“Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received.”