Babylon 5: 4x04 Falling Toward Apotheosis - 1/16 @ 11PM ET

Saturday, January 16th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“No, I don’t care at all for the way he looks at me. Pluck out his eye!”

And so it begins…

The effect on the Vorlon planet-killer is awesome.

“Right now, our greatest enemy is fear.”

And the Vorlons. And the Shadows. And the Spanish Inquisition. :eek:

The thing that always bothered me is that the panicking crowd always looks like their hearts aren’t in it. They were always calmed down too quickly.

Garibaldi…just a touch paranoid

I thought that “Falling toward Apothosis” to be a cool title.

It’s hard to panic extras without really making them panic.

“No Kraft Services”


Very. Especially since apotheosis is usually the sort of thing that you work your way up to, rather than falling into it.

The difference between you (Garibaldi) and Sheridan is that you are (sorryBarb).

ahhhh Mister Mordon

oh crap–the secret room

…oooh snix!

I love how the palace guards are around for all this insanity, hearing everything, and yet they still follow Cartagia.

To say Cartagia is crazy is an understatment.

“Let it burn. Let it all end in fire!”

Becoming a god is always so messy…

still really disagree with them not telling John about Anna…just not cool

…know it all worked out…but still

“I want the Vorlon gone.”

No big deal. :slight_smile:

not that we’re going to feed into Michaels paranoia or anything…

If they are going to kill the Vorlon, can’t they use the same poison that the Mimbari used on Kosh in the Pilot episode?

“You’ve never seen a Vorlon enraged. They’re more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” :eek:

I love how Kosh 2.0 is just standing around, waiting to look menacing at just that moment. :smiley: