Babylon 5: 4x03 The Summoning - 1/16 @ 10PM ET

That’s some damn pretty hair. :stuck_out_tongue:

All the more reason to hate Kosh 2.0. :mad:

Looks like Garibaldi is saranwrapped into the table.

Beware of Greeks bearing Garibaldis. :rolleyes:

Kinky. :stuck_out_tongue:

“you didnt have to put out of me so fast…yoiu hurt me”


Lyta’s like a battered wife. :frowning:

Don’t you need an IYKWIM for that one.

Kosh 2.0…seriously…wtf man

I love a conversation with every 3 word is not said.

Aw, craaap.

The Vorlons are coming.

All of them. :eek:

thats a lotta ships

“Captain Sheridan’s dead. He died at Z’ha’dum.”

…I got better…

THe nice thing about being emperor is that you can put dramatic lighting in your throne room.

Wow he can count.

That scream was downright unsettling. :eek:

G’kar…umm you may want to start screaming now

finally…not liek he waited until the last minute

Cool Fish ship.

Great quick reaction from the ships that are supposed to be protecting B5.

That’s why they pay them the big bucks. :slight_smile: