Babylon 5 3x17 War Without End, Part Two 12/19 @ 10PM ET

I can see it. A great episode if you get here normally, but jumping in on this one as the first episode, I don’t think I would have wached the show either.

When I saw this after watching the rest of the series, I was like, “Ooooooh! That’s what was going on.”

The Keeper can not hold its liquor.

I love Londo and pity him at the same time.

[spoiler]Delenn and Sheridan get the answers they were all pondering in Season 5[/spoiler]

Unfinished business?

That’s an understatement Londo!!

I love this moment between Londo and G’Kar.

“Do not go to Z’ha’Dum!!”

Yeah, like he’s gonna listen.

And Vir, the next Emperor of Centauri

The end we all saw coming for G’kar & Londo, but not quite what we thought it would be.

Ack! I got sucked into watching Ratatouille and completely forgot about the frak party! Time check?

“He actually thinks Sheridan will re-appear in there.”

“No one ever listens to Zathras.”



cheese eater

“No one ever listens to Zathros …” :smiley:

I always secretly chuckle when the speculate about Valen

Which would have meant something before Centauri was a burned-out husk. :frowning:

“Everything is happening exactly like it did before whether we want it to or not.”

Convenient that is.

I love how the disappearance and reappearance of Babylon 4 was caused by the people who investigated it before it happened.

I love time travel. :smiley:



Time travel and Vampires, always fun.

Someone should mix them together and make something funny.

When they paid off that scene with Delenn in the bedroom my mouth dropped to the floor the first time.