Babylon 5 3x09 Point of No Return 11/14 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, November 14th, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Greatness is never appreciated in youth, called pride in middle age, dismissed in old age, and reconsidered in death. Because we cannot tolerate greatness in our midst we do all we can to destroy it.”

Any place to watch this without DVDs. I have lost the site I used.

I’m here, almost thought I wouldn’t make it!

ALright, I’m starting

Londo rewriting Vir’s reports is just so…Londo

“Their cities are very old, indicating a lack of new construction.” :smiley:

Hey everybody

I love that whole exchange. One of the best moments in Babylon 5.

dissolving the Senate…sounds familiar

Lady Morella!

The olive branch of peace between Trek and Babylon 5. :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s up? :wink:

“Dissolving the Senate”

Where have I heard that before?

All this has happened before. All this will happen again. :frowning:

“For now on everything most go smoothly”

Surest way to summon up a crisis :smiley:

Yeah. Like that’s gonna happen. Oh…wait.

Yeah, looking back it all seems so silly.

“…continue as if everything were status quo.”

But the status is NOT quo! :eek:

The river. It’s been raining so much I’ve been thinking of building an arc.

This night watch dude really gets under my skin! motherfrakker!