Babylon 5 3x05 Voices of Authority 10/31 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, October 31st, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Good luck, captain. I think you’re about to go where… everyone has gone before.”

Hey everybody.

Here’s the link for those w/o the DVDs:

Whoops! I wuz supposed to do that, wasn’t I? Thanx Wash!

Starting now.

Weekly meetings are a pain in the arse.

Kein Problem.

Is it just you and me? Halloween was a bit of bust over in WashSchloss. All of 3 kids came by. Oh well, that means more candy for me :smiley:

Teeny tiny car with clowns coming out of your butt? Sounds like an interesting weekend.

Ivanova should have just said staff meeting. What’s suspicious about another staff meeting?

We had no trick-or-treaters all day until we were about to walk out the door. Most went to the shops. We went to a friend’s to trick-or-treat.

“I invited one other person…”

I had no idea it was gonna be Draal!

Dun Dun Dun! Dun Dun Dun!

bangs head all rocker like

Draal’s cool. He’s like a goofy, white James Earl Jones

Records. A coded meeting would not be privvy to Zack’s eyes.

Probably because of who wouldn’t be invited. Although, if I could get out of required meetings, I can’t imagine I’d complain. :slight_smile:

Julie looks like an older Claire from Heroes.

Who goes through old staff meeting notes?

bwhahahahaha! :smiley:

Kind’a… terrible attitude though

Ah, the kiwano melon. The official fruit of science fiction. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I’m sorry. I got tied up.”

Well, Captain. We could do that later if you’re into that.