Babylon 5 2x22 The Fall of Night

Ah the great chess game of politics.

I love his apology. :smiley:

“I’m sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I’m sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I’m sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to Hell!.. As with everything else, it’s the thought that counts.”

It’s the thought that counts. :smiley:
And bye bye Keefer.

Gruesome end.

One really has to wonder how he thot that could turn out any other way.

The tension here is great. You’re not sure what is gonna happen.

“I would be recognized.”
“By whom?”
“Everyone.” :eek:

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Those tricksey Vorlons. Never show their true self.

After the last episode I wondered how much the Vorlons messed with humanity. After this I wondered what they had done to most of the races.

“A matter of perspective.”

Where have I heard that before, Obi-wan?

A great bit with all the races talking about Kosh except Mollari who saw nothing.

It’s “a matter of perspective”. :rolleyes:

Who knows? Maybe they have no real appearance of their own, only that which is reflected in others…?

“Nothing. I saw… nothing.”

I’ve always wondered what exactly that meant.

Londo sees no one. [spoiler]Recently in the ‘Defying Gravity’ episode not aired in the U.S. One of the characters did not see Beta. I thot of this immediately.[/spoiler]

And starting season 3 next week.

Night all, I have a very early shift in the morning.

I took it. He was touched by the Shadows. The Vorlons would not allowed themselves to be seen by someone touched by the Shadows.

Or the Vorlons never played with the Centauri, never programmed them, so it made them a natural ally of the Shadows.

Or that. I also wasn’t sure of the religious practices of the other races. The Centauri were polytheists. I wondered if that was it.

But did he just not see a divine manifestation like everyone else did, or did he literally see nothing? Was it because Kosh chose not to reveal himself to Londo, or was it something innate in him that prevented him from seeing? Most importantly, was it just him or all Centauri?

I’m fairly certain that the Narn and Drazi are polytheistic as well.