Babylon 5 2x22 The Fall of Night

Saturday, October 10th, 2009
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Nothing. I saw … nothing.”

View the entire episode online HERE. seems to connect you with all Babylon 5 seasons. Looks like I may be with you next week. Oh I think it also has the movies.

After the Cosmos and Friday night fraks, these 15 minutes feels like an eternity.

Fridays are so confusing. What to watch and who is fraking it.


[spoiler]I thot Kefler was gone by now.[/spoiler]

The Vir-Lenner conversation. So Funny. :smiley:

Love this dialogue. Vir and Lennier.

“Same time tomorrow.”


[spoiler]Soon, he will die. Very soon.[/spoiler]

Soon enough. :frowning:

There are not many characters that don’t interact. JMS uses his characters so well.

How do you say “lebensraum” in Centauri? :rolleyes:

While listening to the commentary…JMS said Peter Jurasik got into character by saying, “My dear Mr. Garibaldi.” before walking into scene.

JMS said that the painting of the station behind them was supposed to be the actual station but it looks like a painting. It upset him.

Co-ed locker room…first time on TV?

The character Mr. Wells is played by the actor who also played the Minbari Neroon. Both characters are great to hate.

Nothing else comes to mind. You might be right.

At least Neroon gets a bit of redemption. This asshat never does. :mad:

Frederick Lantze is supposed to represent Winston Churchill.

In fact, he says, “There will be peace in our time.”

I remember some bad scifi movie from the 80’s but it was a REALLY bad movie.

War leader?

I like that title.