Babylon 5 2x16 In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum

Saturday, September 19th, 2009
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“What do you want?”

“I’d like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I’d look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?”

View the entire episode online HERE.

What do you want? sounds like a question on twitter.

Oh noes! Twitter is controlled by the Shadows!

You never know.

I often wondered what happened to Mr. Morden? Been so long since seeing the show I forgot some stuff.

That is why seeing them again is so fun.

ARRRRrrrrr did everyone have a good talk like a pirate day?

[spoiler]One wonders if his associates could have helped to arrange Vir’s request. :p[/spoiler]

So true. Been too long.

Starting now.

This scene between Morden and Vir I love.
You tell him Vir.

No one likes you Mr Morden !!

Gets better every time :smiley:

Vir does have some great funny lines.

Good night if I as most nights fall asleep.

“Can you and your associates arrange this for me?”
Go Vir

Night, sleep tight!

Morden comes to Sheridan’s attention.

Goodnight, if you do.
Want us to speak louder to keep you awake?

The plot really thickens this episode.