Babylon 5 2x10 GROPOS

Saturday, August 29th, 2009
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“A man who won’t stand up for his own principles is not really a man at all.”

View the entire episode online HERE.

Hello everybody! Sorry I’m late

hey WIMH! :slight_smile:

fyi, I might be a little sparse this frak, have some house stuff to take care of

I just stopped by the question thread and I am back.

Did you ask anything interesting?

Who me?

I had to get some questions out so I do not have to ask questions here.

Do you think I have a question addiction?

I’m here again. I have to admit, this episode is not one of my more favorite ones.

Do you think you should see a therapist about that addiction?

I never can remember the show until I start watching them. I never could remember titles.

The reason I know this one is because I work for the VA, so I’m around military types & I know what a GROPO is.

I recognize it from the quote. It’s not a bad one, interesting but not mind blowing

And so it begins…

Alright I’m starting!

Daddy is dropping in with a few thousand friends.

Franklin sure is a hard ass!

Was he carrying a riding crop?

Lots of SGI so far.

That, or a swagger stick. It’s what people that don’t know much about the military think a general looks like.

They did look that way when they road a horse. :slight_smile:

Franklin’s old man is… well… not him