Babylon 5 2x09 The Coming of Shadows

Saturday, August 29th, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Londo, don’t do this.”
“I have no choice.”
“Yes, you do. Londo, please, please, please, I know you don’t listen to me, but I’m asking you just this one time. Don’t do this. There is no turning back once you start down that road.”

View the entire episode online HERE.

I’m home, the internet problem appears to be fixed… yay!

Yay! I can watch this with you guys tonight!

Alright I’m starting!

me too (starting that is)

That dude’s hair is so lovely & bouncy!

Sometimes I think the Centauri did not deserve this emperor.

g’kar changes so much over the course of the series

I love it when Sheridan tells G’Kar to stuff it!

Given what we see later, I’m somewhat surprised he survived as long as he did.

He became my favorte by the end. At times I literally weeped for his journey.

So am i!

when I see Jeff Conaway in this these days I feel bittersweet over what he did to himself.

This ddude with Londo makes my skin crawl!

if both vir and londo agree? that probably means it’s a good instinct.

sure sign of EVIL lol

Yeah, definite trainwreck after this show. :frowning:

I think both Peter Jurasik & Andreas Katsulas didn’t truly inhabit their characers until this second season.

All those candles are just begging for a fire!

Have I mentioned how much I love Garibaldi?!

Those veils would get annoying after a while.