Awful Anime Characters

Which Anime characters do you hate and why? Are they badly designed? One dimensional? Deviant and cruel, or just annoying?

What got me on this line of thought? This blog post-

So post your nominations and explain why you hate that particular character. This should be interesting…:slight_smile:

On the subject of x-dimemsional…

Shinji Ikari. Yes, I’ve read the article and agree it was his dad’s fault.

But still, no character in my anime watching history (which includes all of Brain Powerd, Gundam Wing, and the first episode of “Please Don’t Leave me Alone, Daisy”) annoyed the holy frak out of me quite as much as Shinji did.

I put him on my Team Useless for the first SFFL for cryin’ out loud! How can I not say Shini?

At least the character has been more redeeming in the first movie fortunately.

P.S. The Tenchi one really made me laugh though. Tenchi happens to be one of my favorite series (the original OAV arc, none of the re-do). Prolly because it’s was one of my firsts.

And, thanks for the link. Reminded me of the Biggest Skanks in Anime list. ^^

This thread made me look up the lists.

Top Ten Anime Babes:

Top Ten Anime Skanks

Read these in order. Trust me. ^^

Interesting lists, I just wish they would have listed the anime series from which those characters originated. Some of them I did not recognize at all… Like Mai Shiranui, never seen nor heard of her before. And I suppose it must be a good thing based upon the amount of hate she has spawned.

I must disagree with the listing of C-Ko as a skank however, annoying yes… Skank no, she is a loving and loyal friend to A-Ko. She does not display any negative qualities that I am aware of at all from what little I have seen of her in the movies, other than her famously annoying high pitched squeals. And I hardly think that being a bad cook qualifies her for skankdom.

Agreed, C-Ko is a sweety. Of course, B-Ko is infinitely more interesting. :wink:

C-Ko may not be a true skank, but she’s definite cringe material at times.

And yes, those list are a bit dated and obscure. But, I hope people enjoyed the read nonetheless.

I literally cheered when they listed Fatora and Dulandu while reading last night though.

Anyway, enough derailment. I hope Shinji continues to improve in the new movies.

How dare you talk about my father that way! I will avenge myself upon thee if it’s the last thing I do. :wink:

Sasuke is kinda like Darth Vader…only cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

A lot of crappy things have happened to him and he has chosen his path, I just hope that Naruto can get him to feel regret by the time things end.

The worst Naruto character has to be Killer Bee. What is up with the rapping and the Giant Ox = Fugly?

Oh…welcome to the forum. :smiley:

Actually, after reading the lists, I did realize there was one character I cringe when I see and I love to hate.

Lynn Minmei

'nuff said.

For those that it isn’t enough said, watch the first arc of Robotech. She’s a spoiled 16 year old at the beginning who begins a music career that consists of singing the same terrible song again and again, becomes famous, leads a decent guy on and fucks him over for a while when he is beginning to like somebody else, and has an alcoholic cousin who keeps asking her to marry him for a manager. I really got tired of hearing it.

Dude how Rick could have been interested in Minmay when he had Lisa Hayes running around I will never know. Lisa is 1000 times better in every catagory AND you don’t have to her whine/sing that damn song.

Blame Japanese idol culture.

Closest analogy I can come up with is from “The Truth about Cats and Dogs.” I dunno about most guys, but from the beginning of the movie, I much preferred Janeane Garofalo’s character to Uma Thurman’s in that movie. Yet, Uma Thurman’s character was portrayed from the get go as “the catch.”

Ok, maybe that’s a bad analogy, but catch my drift? Japanese idol culture can propel some of the most talentless, awful sounding (Under 17 comes to mind) people to stardom.

To be fair, Lynn Minmay’s voice actress sounds much better in Japanese. Plus, she’s gotten better as she aged.

Also, to be fair, I watched the Japanese audio version. She may not have been quite as bad as she was in the English version.

Sad thing is, Sean, any of the bridge bunnies would have been better than Minmei.

Which leads me to the embarrassing not-so-secret. I’ve realized I have a thing for brunettes just out of command roles, such as Vanessa on the SDF-1, the head mechanic in VanDread, Kaylee in Firefly… If you’re a brunette on a starship, kind of cute, and not in charge, I might just have a thing for you. The you being proverbial, not anyone in question.

I HATE Uchiha Sasuke with a fiery passion that can be seen from the deepest reaches of space, he is one of the two reasons I stopped reading Naruto, sure when the series first started he was a really cool character, but as time went on he just became so freakin’ pathetic. He always had to be the best and any time anyone else started to catch up to him his world came crashing down. Probably the biggest reason why I hate the little douche nozzle is when Madara told him the truth about why Itachi killed his clan and ran away from the village(a move that elevated Itachi to one of the coolest characters in the series by the way), what did the little snot do? That’s right, he took a big steaming Uchiha all over his brothers legacy and set out to kill everyone, not just the village elders who ordered Itachi to ruin his life for the sake of the village, oh no no no, that would actually make sense.

Another character I hate is Sakura, evil manipulative little troll from hell, when Sasuke ran away she used Naruto’s feelings for her to manipulate him to do her bidding, and later when we all think Sakura has come to her senses about Sasuke and confesses her “love” for Naruto (he obviously saw through her lies) we all find out later that it was just to use Naruto to kill Sasuke, now I’m all for killing Saskue but the way she tried to use him again? Not cool. Then later when she confronts Sasuke and says she wants to leave the village and join him Sasuke turns his back on her and she had the perfect opportunity to kill him and she hesitated, she just couldn’t do it because she’s USELESS. Now I know Sasuke would have killed her, but the fact that she hesitated says it all.

And, welcome to the forums!! ^^

It’s funny what things spur people to de-lurk.

Welcome aboard, llo.