The only thing I’ve heard is one TV comercial, but I love the Alien movies (except #3, which blows)… I even liked Alien 4 and AvP… is anybody else excited about this?

— Dismal the lone guy in the movie theater, but happy none the less

I’m looking forward to it.

At first glance, I’d say this one had potential too. I’d be watching to see the predator kick some butt, and it looks like he certainly does that.

I haven’t read the article on AvP in the new Skiffy mag yet, but I am looking forward to it. I found myself really enjoying the first one more than I expected, it had a Predator 2 feel almost, which is probably why I liked it.
Aliens is my favorite of the series, I love the Marines.

The red band trailer for AvP is everything I had hoped for from the first Alien versus Predator.

I don’t want to be disappointed…again.

I’ve been looking at the movie poster in our local theater for about 8 months now…YES I want to see this and probably will this weekend…AVP was lots of fun and has been in my DVD collection for awhile now…And for the record I’m a Predator Person !!! Rock on Predators !!! Down with Aliens !!! Little slimy buggers !!!

I’ve heard bad reviews but I’m a fan-boy for the Aliens, so I’ve got to get to the theater before it goes away…

---- Dismal

Reviews ??!! We Don’ need no stinking reviews !!

If a movie should ever be review-proof it’s one that includes spine-ripping Alien Rastafarians with super-human strength and FTL drives, and slimy, insectoid skull-punching chest-bursters that lay eggs in someone’s unfortunate belly…
Take that Ebert !!

Well I went to see it and coming from a true fan-boy of the alien and predator franchises, I give it a 5 out of 10. Anyone else seen it yet?

5 out of 10 ???

my bubble just burst :frowning:

/end of thread

I disagree…

I saw the movie last night, and I liked it as an Alien fanboy… but as a movie it was pretty weak… There was an unnecessary teenage love story and a bunch of humans I didn’t care about, and the wrong people kept dieing… but hey, there were ooze dripping aliens, so I could stand the other stuff…

— Dismal the movie goer

How the hell can you mess up 2 monsters fighting to the death. After I saw the first AVP I stayed in the theater minutes after the credits watching in disbelief as 2 of my favorite franchises were both being butchered. I have not seen the second yet but I have seen some pretty dismal reviews from critics and people on the forum. Which should I see AVP2 or In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, directed by Uwe Boll?

SAVE CHRISTMAS,” from McSweeny’s:
