Avatar: The Last Airbender News

I know there are a handful of us who are fans of this series. I just read on AvatarSpirit.net that Avatar’s final episodes will be aired in a blockof daily (nightly?) episodes from July 14th through the 19th. The series finale will be a “two-hour finale special” airing on Saturday, July 19th.

While I’m excited to get all the episodes back to back, without waiting for a week (or more) between them, I’m really sad that this is it for the series. I’m not overly optimistic about the M. Night Shymalan directed live-action movie. I’m not usually pessimistic about a franchise like this being brought to the big screen, but the choice of director has be really worried. Since The Sixth Sense, I haven’t been overly impressed with anything Shymalan has done. In fact, I can say I’ve been disappointed by most of them.

I don’t feel that Nickelodeon has done this series justice, airing it all over the place and taking it off the air altogether for long stretches of time (hey, wait a minute…Nick is the Skiffy of kids’ programming ;)). I think they could have promoted it much better than they did. It was a higher quality of show than most of what is on the network. Maybe they just didn’t know what to do with it. I hope this isn’t the last we hear from Avatar’s creators; though, I do hope they get out from under the thumb of Nickelodeon.

Just told my wife. She’s kinda ticked, but also glad that she’ll get to see the ending sooner.

What?! No book4? How terrible… I thought it was always planned to be 4 books from the start. what a shame. it really was the best kid’s cartoon I’ve seen ever produced in America. I really enjoyed the mix of mythos, drama, humor and epic story telling. Every episode even had little BSG-like moments of quality character depth that really no other cartoon has.

M.Night Shyamalaya-dingdong (I can never spell his name) is already touting his script for Avatar as being so monumental it’s on par with Lucas’s friest Star Wars and should have every kid in America wanting to bend their breakfast milk. I am HUGELY pessimistic, considering the financial track record of his films, his overrated and over-exaggerated “abilities” (to mimick other directors) and preachy delusion of his own writing greatness. I have never seen a director think so poorly of his audiences, or talk down to them so much.

Taking Avatar out of the creator’s hands is a big mistake… they are more than capable and much better suited themselves to make it a great film from this story.

Sad Panda :frowning:

Well said about M. Night…yadayada.

I was just telling my husband this morning that I hope Bryan and Dante (the Avatar creators) get out of bed with Nickelodeon for their next project(s). I heard in earlier interviews that they have been tossing around some ideas for other Avatar series (not dealing with the current characters but other aspects of the Avatar world–kinda like Caprica is to BSG). I think the alliance with Nickelodeon is unholy. Nick has never given the show its due. I’m not sure who would. Disney is just as bad. I’m not really familiar with Cartoon Network, other than knowing that I hate most of their shows. I have watched with interest what they’ve done over the years to Ben 10. I’m not sure there is a better alternative, just lots of lesser of xx evils. Sigh. I hate feeling like this with the series going out for good. At least I have faith that it will end in a satisfying way from a viewer standpoint.

I don’t really follow news about tis show. I kinda just catch it on tv when I can or ‘other means’ when I can’t.

I tried to find info on whether this is indeed the SERIES finale or just a Season finale…

it will be tragic to not have a book four… that’s like BSG not airing the last 10 episodes hehe

Watch this and read the stuff at the very end:


Also, read this interview with the show’s creators from here. It was my understanding that they always intended it to be a 3 season show: Water, Earth and Fire. I think a lot of people expected a fourth season because of the four elements. Here’s an excerpt confirming that this is the end of Aang’s story:

[b]IGN: What can we expect for Avatar’s third season? Will this season be the final installment to the Avatar world?

MIKE:[/b] This particular, three season arc will end in an exciting way that wraps up the story of Aang and Zuko. However, Bryan and I have other ideas to expand the Avatar universe, so hopefully the world will live on for a long time.

Well, trim my beard and call me Baltar…

it was planned as a 3 arc story all along! Serves me right for trusting my friend who is pretty much always wrong with his info lol But 4 books did make sense as you said with the 4 elements.

Great vid BTW ( ^^)’

Everyone’s homework is to use this phrase in conversation today.

I know! They showed that at ComicCon in NY, I believe. I loved the scenes of Aang and Zuko firebending together. I have a crush on Zuko, which is just sad, I know. I like the “broken” boys.

You got it, Pike! I am so totally going to use this whenever I can! :slight_smile:

Boy is that going to get unexpected results…IYKWIM

Zuko?! His char-grilled left eye is pretty… grusome. Yikes. Can i interest you in something of the rebel bad boy variety? A Jet perhaps?

I’m a Suki fan myself. She’s got that whole Starbuck-esque sexy asskicking thing going on… Even witht he KISS makeup :smiley:

Does Tigh with the Patchy right eye do it for ya? :stuck_out_tongue: He is broken but I guess the boy part expired years if not decades… or even centuries ago… but hey! the old guy ain’t shooting blanks yet! hehe

Well, aside from the char-grilled eye, yeah Zuko does it for me (you know, for a cartoon character). LOL. It’s the whole tormented, troubled, you-just-know-he’ll-eventually-do-the-right-thing thing. And from the previews, it appears that he finally has chosen to do the right thing. On a side note, I’d actually go for Sokka in “real life” because of his sense of humor. I’m always attracted to guys with a sense of humor. Hey, I married one.

Yeah, Suki is very cool, as is Katara. I can see guys being attracted to them. Azula and Mei are SCARY. Eeks!

No, Tigh doesn’t do it for me. He’s too old. Now Helo on the other hand…drool