Is there any interest in going over audio dramas from Big Finish? They have more than just Doctor Who stuff on-hand.
I never got into audio drama. Does that include audio novels too?
It can. The key thing with the Big Finish audios is that many of them are actual dramatic productions rather than readings. When I was working in American Samoa, I had BSG as well as audio drama that I could pick up via shortwave from Radio Australia.
Big Finish has a four-part mini-series of the stories of UNIT without The Doctor. It is actually really, really good. There are other series available on CD that folks in the US and elsewhere can order. There are novels read by actors from the Stargate series but those are not nearly as interesting as the audio dramas. With audio drama you can get away with quite a bit more than you could otherwise afford in video.
I’d be cool with a scifi (or scifi-ish) audio novel, I found one that was free and advertised a lot two years ago or so about some kind of virus thing, but I don’t remember what that was exactly. It came out in weekly installments.
Speaking of viruses, I hear the audio book for “World War Z” is pretty awesome.
Valis is a good one to listen to I read the book but i heard it a good idea to read along with the audio book verson.