Attention OGs

Congrats to Phil on ascending to Double OG!
And to Frakkintalos who has moved up to Quadecuple OG!

The Official GWC OG Roster:

b[/b] ArkansasEngineeringGirl, Aset, Boxytheboxed, Chuck, Davidj0207, dxf, EmilyfromOhio, Glimfeather, Gryper, Kappa, Keara, Lucky, missmuffett, Nickname Boomer, Steve, The Alpaca Herder, TighGetsPunchedALot

b[/b] ATGreat, Default Prophet, NothingButheRain, Old Timer, Phil, Splatterson, Starbuccaneer, Tighfighter, Uchiha Daisuke

b[/b] Apollymy, Armando, Mr. Lister, Sir, SeelixSeesAll

b[/b] Leah, “Solaimus Prime”

b[/b] “Casilda Bear Prime”, Galaxy Ranger, Topgun

b[/b] Deathbytray, ThotFullGuy

b[/b] Lady D, “Wheelie Cyberman”

b[/b] “Badgertron”, Frakkintalos

You made that up! I don’t even think I could say that. Sounds like something out of Geordi’s techno-babble.

“Take the hyper-directional matter confinement system and activate the auxiliary pattern buffer quadecuple.”

Sort of- I was wrong anyway. It should have been quatuordecuple or tetradecuple. :smiley:

36 pages of OG thread? Wow. To think that so much time has gone by.

“Take it from me, that artwork is Super Genius!”

Sorry to double post, but did BS just go tridecuple?

Shouldn’t it be decatetraduple OG? Just sayin’. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah…you’re AWOL for a year and STILL you have more posts than me.


You’re supposed to be old, crusty, and unable to use computers, and you’re still beating me. But I use you’re and your impeccably., that has to count for something.

Like I have any idea! LOL! I just googled it, and made an educated guess. Latin/Greek: not my area of expertise.

But, since there have been a few changes…

Congrats to Casilda on becoming a Sextuple OG, Thot on reaching Septuple OG, and Badger on reaching Tridecuple OG!

If I weren’t steadily working my own way up the ladder, I might say you people spend way too much time here! :smiley:

The Official GWC OG Roster:

b[/b] ArkansasEngineeringGirl, Aset, Boxytheboxed, Chuck, Davidj0207, dxf, EmilyfromOhio, Glimfeather, Gryper, Kappa, Keara, Lucky, missmuffett, Nickname Boomer, Steve, The Alpaca Herder, TighGetsPunchedALot

b[/b] ATGreat, Default Prophet, NothingButheRain, Old Timer, Phil, Splatterson, Starbuccaneer, Tighfighter, Uchiha Daisuke

b[/b] Apollymy, Armando, Mr. Lister, Sir, SeelixSeesAll

b[/b] Leah, Solai

b[/b] Galaxy Ranger, Topgun

b[/b] Casilda, Deathbytray

b[/b] Lady D, Pike, ThotFullGuy

b[/b] BadgerSpoon, Frakkintalos

And, I’ll probably be changing it again in the next day or two, since Tray is sitting pretty (torturing us and loving it) at 6999. Thankfully, there is a Buffy frak tomorrow night…

My goal is to make it to 5000 before going back to work. Once work starts I will not be able to go to so many frak parties since they start so late for me. Solai keep working so we can move up the ladder together.

Let me get to triple OG before you guys move up! :smiley:

Your are closer to moving up than me so you have a good chance to join us.

This seems vaguely dirty…


Congrats to WashIsMyHero on your 1000 th post.
Welcome to OG-hood.

especially Tridecuple OG…like you need lube or something…

If I figure it right, I’m the 42nd one. I suppose that means I’m the answer, but I have no idea to what question.

Whoo! It gets hard to keep up sometimes!

Congrats to WashIsMyHero on becoming our newest OG!!!
And also to Mr Lister, Sir on Quadruple OGinity
and DeathByTray on Septuple OGinity!

The Official GWC OG Roster:

b[/b] ArkansasEngineeringGirl, Aset, Boxytheboxed, Chuck, Davidj0207, dxf, EmilyfromOhio, Glimfeather, Gryper, Kappa, Keara, Lucky, missmuffett, Nickname Boomer, Steve, The Alpaca Herder, TighGetsPunchedALot, WashIsMyHero

b[/b] ATGreat, Default Prophet, NothingButheRain, Old Timer, Phil, Splatterson, Starbuccaneer, Tighfighter, Uchiha Daisuke

b[/b] Apollymy, Armando, SeelixSeesAll

b[/b] Leah, Mr. Lister, Sir, Solai

b[/b] Galaxy Ranger, Topgun

b[/b] Casilda

b[/b] Deathbytray, Lady D, Pike, ThotFullGuy

b[/b] BadgerSpoon, Frakkintalos

But then I will no longer have a cute red head sitting next to me. :frowning:

BTW, anyone heard from Michaela/Cackleberry? I haven’t seen her in a long while.

She’s been Twittering but I haven’t seen her around here.