Attention OGs

Congrats, AEG! You’re on the map! :slight_smile:

Don’t bother. I already have keys to everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s a Ketty Seal? :rolleyes:

I’m trying to figure that out too. First, it took me so long to decode the pig latin, and now I still have no idea what y’all are saying. I feel stupid.

Look at the spelling, not the phonetics. Also, remember the rule about one-syllable words.

Don’t. You wouldn’t get the reference anyway.

Of course, you would if you’d caught up on Trek like a good little geek. Peer pressure exists for a reason, you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

The first rule of one-syllable words is that you don’t talk about one-syllable words.

Ah… it’s a Trek reference. Never mind…

Think brain slugs. Same diff.

I can’t think. My brain slug does the thinking for me.

Oh. No problem then. You’ll get the joke the next time you update with the Mother Slug.

Congrats AEG! :slight_smile:

Were you the first lady og? You were supposed to get one!!

No, I may be the oldest of us but not the first OG. I trust one of you ladies will get me a copy.

Congratulations to:
ArkansasEngineeringGirl, our newest OG!!
Welcome to the ranks!
And to Mr. Lister, Sir on 3000 and Leah on 4000 posts!!!

The Official GWC OG Roster:

b[/b] ArkansasEngineeringGirl, Aset, ATGreat, Boxytheboxed, Chuck, Davidj0207, dxf, EmilyfromOhio, Glimfeather, Gryper, Kappa, Keara, Lucky, missmuffett, Nickname Boomer, NothingButheRain, Phil, Steve, The Alpaca Herder, TighGetsPunchedALot, Uchiha Daisuke

b[/b] Apollymy, Armando, Default Prophet, Old Timer, SeelixSeesAll, Splatterson, Starbuccaneer, Tighfighter

b[/b] Mr. Lister, Sir

b[/b] Leah, Solai

b[/b] Casilda, Deathbytray, Galaxy Ranger, Topgun

b[/b] Lady D, ThotFullGuy

b[/b] Pike

b[/b] RonMooreHasPrettyHair

b[/b] Frakkintalos

the 3000-3999 range seems to be a hard one - to break into and to break out of :wink:

Congrats AEG! :smiley:

What happens in the Men’s OG lav, stays in the Men’s OG lav. I mean it, too. Keep those yucky critters to yourselves. :frowning:

I second that. All in favor say aye.

I am not alone anymore!

But i am :frowning: All you border people need to catch up with me!!! :smiley:

aye times infinity.

heh heh heh - you said “hard one”:smiley: