Welcome to the group. I have been trying to get the guys to clean up without success. I would definitely take spatterson65 advice.
Yeah, about that. I started cleaning but mixed ammonia and bleach. I passed out and when I awoke my eyes were draining out of my nose. So I went to the tub of goo for a new body, hoping for one worthy of arm porn.
Since I was blind I was navigating via memory. Never a good thing. Anyway I stepped in, laid down and tried to download. When the download didn’t complete I realized I wasn’t in the tub of goo. I don’t want to know what I was in but it didn’t smell very good.
So now I’m naked covered in whatever I was just in and searching for the tub of goo. Did I mention I’m blind? Phil and Lucky were nice enough to lead me in the right direction. They had just finished cleaning the Alpaca stalls and said they’d seen worse.
So I get to the goo and download to my new body. I have a question. Who programmed the dang thing? Cuz now I look like this:
As I sit here snickering at the idea of you in such a cute little baby body, my… companion… date? whatevs… went, “aaawww, what a cute baby!”
More snickering.
Oh gods. It’s FurryTalos!
I was just thinking there’s a Shatneresque quality in that babyface. no wonder talos was drawn to it
and Welcome to the Madhouse, Chuck!
hey look! a drunken furry!
Scotchy McBun-Bun?
Hardee Har Har, y’all!
Have you ever tried to ride the New York Transit system looking like a furry baby bunny?
No. I didn’t think so. Well, I did and it was humiliating. Stop snickering. It’s not funny. Stupid people comin’ up to me and wanting to pinch my cheeks. Yeah I’m cute but that doesn’t give you the privilege. And what gives anyone the right to pick me up by my ears and sit me on their lap and say, “Excuse me little guy, but I need this seat.”
So fess up! Who change the programming on my goo tube?
Y’know whut? Nevermind. Just put it back and no questions asked, alright? Fine.
Stupid bushy tail gotta get used to sitting on
Hey everyone. I’m going have to go off-line for a couple hours.
I have make a run to Kinkos—well, actually several Kinkos.
I just got off the phone with them about my request to have a giant-sized poster made of the FrakkinTalos-Bunny-Hybrid. They said that they can only blow it up to 4X scale of its original size.
So here’s what I’m going to do (it’s so tricky ) I’m going to bring it to the Kinkos in Nashua, New Hampshire and have them enlarge it 4X (IYKWIM).
Then I’ll take that enlarged one to the Kinkos in Chemlsford, Massachusetts and have them blow it up 4X, and then the Kinkos in Burlington, Vermont, and then Kittery, Maine and then…hey can anyone spot me $800 for gas money?:eek:
By the end of the day I should have my 12 times enlarged scale poster of BunnyFrakTal. It’s gonna look AWESOME on my garage door!!
EDIT: Added big frakking photo:
You can just stop in Nashua and hold out til 2012 and then run it as the next Democratic Presidential candidate. You up for it, FurryTalos?
Wow Thot, that gives me a great idea for an Easter flag.
Hey, you know what’s weird? Before calling Kinkos, I did some research online to find out how to get the poster enlarged.
Well, Googling on the word “Enlargement” …big big scary mistake
I suddenly feel the presence of GR close by…
Oh the shame. The shame.
Topgun Press now taking orders.
Sizes S M L XL
!! Soon to be available as a beer cozy !!
Alrighty, has anybody else listened to Buzz Out Loud #812 yet? At 32:42 there is a quite familiar voice. Apparently someone has branched out with their calling of podcasts.
I am not sure if IIKWYM…if I do I am afraid.
“Is that your presence or are you just happy to see me?” :eek:
it’s GWC’s answer to the BamberBunnies! sign me up!
(make me a t-shirt, I’ll wear it to the national meetup)
see what I did there?
Boxy, Boxy, Boxytheboxed…
You made it !
Boxytheboxed, the OG Alpaca has been waiting a long, long time for you. And you have arrived. OG Boxy. It has a nice ring, yes?
Boxy is an OG. What is the world coming to ?
Best Wishes Boxytheboxed. OG.
Now drink your milk and clean up that room, mister !