Arrested Development - The thread

well i just finished, the series, just spectacular.

i cannot believe this was cancelled…

i applaud all who were involved; you should be very proud. of the house you built.

I found this Little Tikes Pop Tunes Melody Beads Piano I bought for my daughter the cycles trough the Police’s ‘Message in a Bottle’, a Dixie Chicks song (can’t remember the name), and ‘The Final Countdown’. It was the last song that sold it for me. The bonus is you can also hear the songs as tonal dog barks, duck quacks or chick peeps…

Note: I found it at TJMaxx where is was significantly cheaper than $38.

Well I was on a date last night and was having a cuup of coffee at a local coffee shop and the picture I could see on the wall behind her, barley stopped myself from laughing.


Try this:

But it was a smart, well written show that rewarded multiple viewings and fan devotion which aired on Fox…

This has to have been mentioned. Before but apparently Netflix. Is stepping. Up and making us a new season. Next year. The second they stream it in Canada they will have my monthly subscription. That said. We’ve all been burned before. So well have to wait A while. Still I know. A lot of folks. Have a grudge against. the Netflix folks around here, but they will be my heroes.

well … there’s always money in the banana stand wink.

that show is great television.

This is currently my profile pic in Facebook and Google+:

Of a million favorite bits to like about the show, let me offer two:

  1. On “Bringing up Buster” Gob is sulking in the copy room because he wasn’t made the company president. He’s talking to Michael, then he sniffs a piece of bread and puts it into the paper shredder. The 2nd time I saw that episode I said WTF? and burst out laughing. It had to be improv’d.

  2. What may be my favorite, dirtiest line in the series, from The Cabin Show: “who would want to stay in that musty old clap-trap anyway?”

“I’ve got to get into that Poof!”

Though some of my favorite lines are the Narrator’s:

“(the publicist–what was her name?)had gone too far, and she had best watch her mouth.”

“Real shoddy narration. Just pure crap.”

“HEY–that’s the name of the show!”

It was it’s own undoing. The show got funnier every time you watched it over again, but for the casual Fox viewer it was impossible to follow because for every episode you didn’t watch, you wouldn’t get the dozens of jokes that were based on it.

This is why there’s been so much speculation about bringing it back after seeing the DVD sales numbers, a format that struggled as a weekly broadcast lends itself perfectly to the DVD watcher. This is the same situation that Fox faced with the Family Guy cancellation(s), however, the reinvestment for an animated show is much smaller than the coordination of a large ensemble cast.

Now Netflix has seen this as the perfect opportunity. It’s a loved property with a large, established audience, and the show is perfect for the Netflix streaming platform.

Except Netflix seems to be in the midst of a complicated corporate suicide. Let’s hope their cry for help this summer was just that.

I really can’t wait to see what they do with the show. I am also a little hesistant just because what is already out is so good, I don’t want to tarnish that. I don’t know if I’ll even believe it’s happening until I hear the words, “On the next Arrested Development…”

Just finished streaming the whole series on Netflix. I’ve made a huge mistake…

Wait for it…

Having never watched this before.

I love the Charlie Brown bit. I had no clue Ron Howard did the narration. I love when Henry Winkler is in the bathroom, staring in the mirror, and does the Fonzie-no-need-to-fix-my-hair bit. GOB gets married not on a dare but after a series of dares. I hope on the DVD they leave in the censor bits because every time Kitty lifts her shirt and reveals her censor boobs is gold. I love when Nellie (Justine Bateman) explains to the Bluth employees her can’t do list. That is so bleepin’ hilarious. I hope there is a website with all the stills presented throughout the show because the Funke birth announcement is going to be my next T-shirt purchase. My soup. drpepperspew

Every character is my favorite and Michael truly holds it all together.

“Mr. F”
“I am a monster!”

So many. So many moments. Brilliant show.

Probably one of my most used quotes in every day life. That and “Well, I’m going to go get sexy!” Oooh, and “Why can’t I have hair and money and him nothing?” There are so many.

Glad you finally watched it! It’s also one of those shows that gets funnier with each rewatch. It’s impeccable and continuity is crazy spot on and in tune with the show’s logic. It’s the kind of show that’s good to have around because it’s a fact that you’d rewatch it. It just is.

TBF, I never really blamed Fox for cancelling it. Was I pissed when it was cancelled? Obvs. But despite having terrible ratings and being probably ahead of its time (or maybe that it was really a cable comedy disguised as a network one) Fox gave it 3 (or 2.5) seasons when it would’ve been cancelled after one season - or worse, not aired at all - in any other network at the time. I’m still way more pissed about Firefly - because that never stood a chance from the beginning when they reshuffled the ep order - than AD, which arguably had way more time to grab a larger audience, which it ultimately failed to do, despite being one of the best comedies, well, ever.

My favorite Henry Winkler moment is in “Motherboy XXX” (probably my favorite episode) when he literally jumps the shark!

Also, after that episode, every time I go to Burger King I have to say “IT’S A WONDERFUL RESTAURANT!”

One of my most used lines: “Where is God?” “There is no God!”

Alas, the DVDs leave out all the bleeps except in the unaired pilot, which actually suffers for it. The bleeps make it all the more hilarious because one’s imagination runs wild (think how funny Buster’s rant about Lucille in season one’s “Bringing Up Buster” is as one continuous bleep–with a single interruption for an “and” in there).

Also, GOB Bluth completely changed the way I experience Europe’s “The Final Countdown.”

Okay, I think I know how I’m spending my New Year’s weekend: A.D. rewatch!

My day is not complete if I don’t quote A.D. at least once a day. Example, the other night I was handed an ice cream sandwich. After 2 bites I said “I am having a love affair with this ice cream sandwich.” The room remained silent, but i filled my quota.

My go to quote though is usually either “I’ve made a huge mistake” or “and that’s why you always leave a note.”

Any time I’m watching a movie or show that uses its name in a line I go, “HEY! That’s the name of the show!”

I constantly tell people at work, “and that’s why you always leave a note!” whenever they’ve expected me to do something but haven’t actually communicated it to me. I’m seriously considering hiring a one armed man to get this point across since it’s near daily now there is an issue that could be solved with a post-it on the computer monitor.