Archer 12/28 @ 9PM ET

This is a detergent pen. I just put a little blue sticker on it.

Well it finished for me.
Potty break then next episode?

Speaking of awesome voices, love Lana’s. I always thot it was Katey Segal but it’s not.

Potty Break. Honeypot at 9:30PM

That would be Aisha Tyler.


Grab her interview on Adam Carolla’s podcast. Hi-larious

When do we hit “play”?

hit play


I got asked which ad “experience” I wanted. AUUGHGH!!!

Major Jackoff?

Did you choose wisely?

No idea if I choose wisely…I am still alive.

Shrimp wear pants?

Fake Milk commercial!
Then a commercial with…a Jets player?

“…not to mention the Lemur…”

“You should know… what kind… of… man… you are dealing with.”
“Oh, I think I know exactly what kind of man I’m dealing with.” :smiley:

Crap, now my Hulu crapped out. Time check

Never for very long. :stuck_out_tongue:

paused at 3:36