Aragorn vs. Jaime Lannister: The King vs. The Kingslayer
King of Arnor. Descendant of the first king of Númenor, Elros Tar-Minyatur; the twin brother of Elrond. Destined for greatness. Struck out on his own as a Ranger, taking the name Strider. Served in the armies of King Thengel of Rohan (King Théoden’s father) and of Steward Ecthelion II of Gondor (father of Denethor). Great fighter in melees, group fighting, battles. Proficient with bow & sword, probably safe to assume he’s capable with others.
Pretty much led The Fellowship of the Ring. Front & center of the de facto vanguard at the Battle of Helm’s Deep, stepping into the frontlines when others remained at the ramparts. Stared down The Dead Men of Dunharrow at the Haunted Mountain Dwimorberg. Led Gondor and Rohan against the Black Gate of Mordor. Married Arwen. Via Omra: “Aragorn is a Númenórean, which in an of itself makes it almost unfair because of his long lifespan and regenerative abilities.”
Jaime Lannister
The Kingslayer. A personal combat prodigy. One of the better swordsmen in Westeros. Member of the King’s Guard, the elite soldier unit assigned to protect the king — and was appointed at the age of 15, which makes him the youngest member ever. Has immaculate Lannister pedigree. Killed a king; admittedly, it wasn’t in a combat scenario, and the king a challenge, but he had good reason. Underneath a devilishly handsome facade lurks a sense of honor and fair play. Ruthless and will make the tough decisions. A melee champion. Knighted on the battlefield after fighting the Smiling Knight. Has committed unspeakable acts, cruel and otherwise. And also has, effectively, saved thousands of lives, sometimes at great personal cost, risking life and limb. Lives for a good fight.
The Kingslayer:
Throwin’ down:
Throwin’ down:
Who you got?