Appleseed ex Machina 7/19 @ 2 PM ET

Sunday, July 19th, 2009
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific
[(Calculate Time Zone)]( &year=2009&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=179)

“All will be one… we will all be one… I am Halcon.”

Anyone here?

Just us, the others must have a problem being pantsless on Sunday. :wink:

Start at :35

Holy craaap, look at that rendering. Amazing.

Oops. Spoke too soon. People look like cartoons. :slight_smile:

It looks like most of the sets are renders and the rest is anime.

Say hello to my little friend! :eek:

Hooded Cylon with BFG.

Well, that’s unsettling.

I’m thinkin’ her gun weighs more than she does.

No wonder Sean loves it, nothing hotter than a chick who kicks ars and takes names (in leather).:cool:

Note to self: when firing employees, first make sure they don’t have access to heavy construction equipment. :stuck_out_tongue:

I almost forgot! :eek:

While looking for the picture leading this thread, I found this hilarious review of the movie:

Mutant Reviewers from Hell do “Appleseed Ex Machina” :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t remember the people being quite so plasticky in the last movie.

They’ve got Barbie hands and faces like muppets. Weird.


Think I just found a new phrase for the sig.

“I would just like to reiterate that I only like stupid, weak-willed women with nightmarishly-huge breasts.”

Meeting your clone. That’s disturbing.

Their hair moves more than their mouths. :confused:

Particularly Tereus. His bangs keep swaying back and forth hypnotically, no matter how his head’s moving. And Deunen is starting to get a Medusa thing going on with her hairstyle. :slight_smile:

Zombie attack! :eek::eek::eek:

So this is how the Borg began. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I’m thinking she’s responsible for this.

Or just remarkably good at taking political advantage during a crisis.

That cyborg has a dark mark! :eek: