Appleseed (2004) 1/28 @ 10 PM ET

Thursday, 28 January 2011
10 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
[(Calculate Time Zone)]( &year=2011&hour=22&min=0&sec=0&p1=179)

“What a creature is man, he would choose to cage himself so willingly?”

Watch online at Netflix Instant Watch.

Anyone here?

Sorry I’m late. I forgot that UK shows don’t have commercial breaks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Need me to pause?

Wow, watching this one after Ex Machina really makes the animation look like crap. :eek:

Nah, I’ve seen this before. I’ll just jump right in.

Lol. I was never a fan of the style.

They still play this song on anime radio stations.

I love anime eye twinkling. :smiley:

Athena is old in this?

Wow. The animation looked real bad there.

She’s a bio-roid, so I guess she can be any age.

More likely, they just decided to populate the sequel with hot chicks. :slight_smile:

Damn bio-roids, flaunting their obvious superiority. :rolleyes:

She’s very acrobatic for unenhanced human.

She sorta has to be for her to survive what she has.

Monofilament whips are just too cool. :cool:

Well, this movie is much slower than Ex.

It’s got a lot of world building to wade through. It takes off after they lay the groundwork a bit.

Ah, life extension.

I’ve had a long day and the exposition isn’t keeping me awake.

I was thinking Hitomi and Teurus might be a good match from Ex.