Apokolips vs Galactus vs Unicron Deathmatch

Here’s a bar joke I’m working on. Apokolips, Galactus, and Unicron approach Earth. Earth’s residents scream in horror… That’s all I got so far. But, you bunch will prolly come up with a better punchline than I could. (:

Anyway, here is the setting. Apokolips, Galactus, and Unicron approach Earth. But, only one can claim Earth as a tasty treat or for her souls. Apokolips has Darkseid and his minions. Galactus has the Silver Surfer (say Norrin Radd since most are familiar with him). And, Unicron could change the satellites in Earth’s orbits into his own minions, and transform into Megamaid…I mean a bigger than planet-sized robot. (:

movie voice Three entities enter the arena… Only one can survive to claim Earth… No matter who wins, Earth loses… /movie voice

Thanks to the Smallville finale frak for this deathmatch.

And, here’s the poll!

Just before BadgerSpoon posted, I was thinking what would be worse to see in the sky? Apokolips or Unicron. So, thanks for rounding out the list with Galactus. (:

(I thought of Megamaid while typing this up. If you would have voted for Megamaid and think I made a mistake omitting her, say why. d: )

No poll?

Also, Galactus.

The forums made me make the thread before I could make the poll. And, how were you so fast!!?

Sometimes I get lucky.

Other times I check GWC.

Galactus, wins minions alone, silver surfer could tale the other two,

Apokolips doesn’t move, I dunno wtf was going on in Smallville but it’s not sentient or devouring planets or anything. Galactus isn’t a planet. This group is just…weird.

I see your point which was why I included minions. But if that’s still off putting, let’s go back to the original question in this case if others feel the same.

Of any the three, which would freak you out most to see in the sky?

If we are taking Planet sized destruction things. Instead of Apokolips, have the Death Star in the mix. Unicron felled in one shot. Galactus not so sure.

Dagnabit! You made me wish I put that in!!