One of my favorite geek hobbies is to brew mead. Are there any mazers here?
I don’t make it but I love to drink it! A friend of my brother makes a mean honey mead. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I’ve never tasted it, but I’ve always been curious. Is it difficult to make? I would buy some if I could find a local seller.
Mead is not that difficult to make. You can make a plain mead with just honey, water and yeast in some sort of glass jug and a ballon for an air lock. Of course, there are a myriad of different types and flavors that are varying degrees of difficulty (like any other hobby).
For example, I just made a prickly pear mead with apple cider that did pretty well at a local Texas brew competition. The hardest part of making that mead was dealing with all the little needles from the cactus fruit.
You can find all kinds of recipes at the Got Mead? forum. Also, I post some of my recipes at my mead blog: Mead Safari.
Would it not be cool to have a GWC mead tasting during the next meetup?
My dad was into making grape mead for a few years…
Yum! I love mead! And the idea of a mead tasting! I’ve found that its hard to find except at bigger alcohol/liquor stores, or Whole Foods during the holiday season… or at Renaissance festivals.
Yeah, I got started making mead because I could not find anywhere to buy it. I am a member of a local brew club and I get asked all the time why I don’t brew beer (they call me ‘That Mead Guy’) and I always tell them that I can buy beer anywhere.
Haha that’s funny, but why hasn’t the world caught on that mead is great! Waiting for the Ren fest and then having to drink as much as i can while i can still stand up and weave around the shops should not be my only option for drinking it. They are not helping at all!
Haven’t made it in nearly 20 years, but there is this wonderful wine shop I go to in the Bowery that carries several good meads
I just bottled 2 cases (12oz bottles) of a cream soda mead (14% ABV). Hopefully, they will carbonate in the bottles.
I use to use Grolch bottles because of the stoppers.
I have several Grolsch bottles I recycle. Most of my meads, however, I bottle in 750ml bottles and cork 'em. But, because its a soda-esque mead, I decided to bottle this one in 12oz.
What did you brew?
The Mead I use to brew was closer to ale, so not as fizzy. Though my old roomate at the time would brew a very fizzy mead. He would add a bit of hops to achieve it.
Hmm… mead like ale? How? Of course the original word “ale” came from 11th Century Briton and was a kind of mead using honey and grains. I haven’t tried to make anything like that. I may have to give it a go.
I am getting ready to make a pyment next week.
Since I can’t really make my own mead, however much I might want to, what would you suggest would be the best to buy in a store? Unless someone wants to make mead and ship it to me
Cream soda mead… tell me more? That sounds awesome! How did it turn out?
Everyone at the brewclub liked it so I sent it off to compete at the 2011 Bluebonnet Brew-off. To me, it tastes just like a standard cream soda (maybe some sweeter) only with 14% ABV. I should get some good feedback from the Bluebonnet so I can tweak the recipe and make it better.
I made a small batch of mead back when I was actively homebrewing and it was great - strong stuff too!
Thought about making another batch as it’s easier than beer, so looked up a local (in Mississippi where I’m on field assignment) homebrew shop and found out homebrewing is illegal in Mississippi!!! Crazy talk!
What? Really? They must want to tax everything!