Anyone in Idaho???

Anyone in Idaho or Utah area for a possible meet up for the Season 4 premiere???

No one?! Not even in Boise???

Looks like you’re living in your own private Idaho.


Well good luck in finding anyone in Idaho or Utah. I am still looking for someone in Chicago.

Yes! I’m in Idaho! Oh, no wait…sorry about that. My avatar is Duncan Idaho, but I live in New England. Sorry for my confusion (but I have been to Idaho…many years ago…)

On the plus side, organizing the Idaho meet-up will be a cinch. :slight_smile:

I keep thinking this is a rhetorical question.

The closest grouping here in the area full of things called “a Western State” is along the lines of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. There are apparently more GWC connected folks in LA and Phoenix compared to Las Vegas, though. I am just not aware of all that many people in the Las Vegas valley, though.