Anyone been to ThinkGeek lately?

Frak, do they have a lot of cool t-shirts. I haven’t been by there in a while, and I’m trying very hard not to spend a lot of money. Among my favorites:

Mine for the Office Space fans
Echo Base for an urban riff on Star Wars
Cosa Nostra Pizza to go with the current book club selection

Lots of good stuff, and that’s just in the Pop Culture section of t-shirts. I haven’t even gotten to the toys.

What a cunning hoodie!

Thinkgeek rocks! I love all of those. I’m always saying I’m going to get me one of those red Swingline staplers. I’m not even sure if they are still in production. I should go searching to find out.

Hey, how about that? Thinkgeek does still sell it! Yay!

Whoa I can see many uses for this fun little gadget. You could completely freak-out the little old lady next to you on the bus / subway. Its entertainment value alone might be worth the hefty price tag.

Please, (mumble) I believe you have my stapler. (mumble) I’d like my stapler back. Please. (mumble) Or I’ll burn the whole place down…

LOL… This is funny since that picture is how old now?

Yay, first post! (And cripes, it ain’t even BSG related…slacker.)

There’s so much material on ThinkGeek that I would add to the cart, I honestly believe I’m going to have to take on a third-shift gig to support that habit. I wonder if anyone hires a surly mid-thirties geek with that delightful combination of AD/HD and OCD – becoming intensely focused on tasks for a blindingly short amount of time…

… you missed a spot on your keyboard… nah just kidding~! :p:D