I was just wanderign if their were any Doctor who fans in the world for the Galactica Watercooler community? hehe
I have seen a few of the old Doctor who which I thought were pretty cool
Yes. The black and white shows from the 60’s are some of my favorites for plenty of reasons.
The orginal series was actulay cancaled the same year I was born in 1989. I"m a fan of the new series but I am going back and…ugh…well “aqurieing” the classic doctor who episodes from the start. I’m on the 8th story and i like it mroe then the 3rd series of the new doctor who, I can say that much haha.
I’ve only seen maybe one or two episodes of the original series. Mostly just during periods of insomnia when I’d catch them at 3 a.m. on PBS. I really like what I’ve seen of the new series, though. Haven’t started season 3 yet. I’ll probably start them up next week.
Torchwood really impressed me, too. It kind of seems like Dr. Who/Torchwood is the UK’s parallel of Buffy/Angel. In tone, that is; not content. As far as that goes, I’d say it’s Man in Black meets CSI. I watched all of them on my computer, but had been patiently waiting for an “official” release here in the US. I was so excited to see that BBC America had picked up Torchwood S1 for broadcast over here, but I have been greatly disappointed by the first few episodes. Not only is the language censored (the dubbing makes me feel like I’m watching Die Hard’s television cut), but entire scenes have been chopped out – presumably to cater to our ridiculously strict broadcast regulations.
For those who haven’t seen the show, but enjoy quality sci-fi, I would highly suggest downloading the first season, or waiting until the Region 1 DVD release. Hopefully it will be the original BBC broadcast versions of the episodes.
I’m a fan of the new Who! I was a bit iffy on the beginning of Season 3, but the last few episodes have been, wait for it…fantastic!
I disagree.
Whereas Doctor Who focuses and sharp writing, witty dialogue, a pinch of comedy and clever plot devices in order to deliver a high-concept high quality show, Torchwood is a common denominator, impulsive and altogether poor effort at a ‘mature dr who’. Ironically Dr Who has more maturity in that it doesnt need to swear or use sex, whereas Torchwood is the child who has just been told about sex and swearing by his older brother and is trying to impress his mates.
Hrmm, whether or not you like it is obviously a matter of preference. But calling it an attempt at a “Mature Dr. Who” is a stretch imo. Sure, it’s mature; but is it actually Dr. Who? Admittedly, there is a common character (or two, apparently in the second season), but beyond that…
To me, the shows are apples and oranges. Entirely different characterizations, plot developments – the entire feel of the show is completely distinct from the show it spun off from. The sex and all that and doesn’t really bother me, because I for one don’t feel like it’s “forced” at all into a show it isn’t suited for.
From my experience (with friends and family) it usually tends to work like this: Dr. Who fans generally dislike it (except for Captain Jack fans), and those who aren’t Who nuts or have never seen it before watching Torchwood tend to find it entertaining. This leads me to the conclusion that it really has a hard time because it has to live up to its big brother in the eyes of the fans.
If the show came out differently, without marketing itself primarily as a spin-off, fans wouldn’t be nearly so finicky about it in terms of its content, because they wouldn’t be expecting Dr. Who 2.
Just my 0.02 cubits.
That would be fair enough if they themselve didnt promote it as the mature Dr Who, so they were kinda hoisted by their own petard.
However I don’t think I’d like the show either way, it just wasn’t for me.
I’m a big Doctor Who fan, both the original series and the new one.
Big Doctor Who fan here too. And I actually like Torchwood. I like Captain Jack and I think Gwen is hot in her own kind of way. It’s just something about her. Sure, some of the plots were a bit weak, but I think it was strong enough to carry it through the season, and hopefully on to bigger and better stories and characters.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they bring back the life glove, from “They Keep Killing Susie”…that’s the thing about gloves, they always come in pairs!
What did everyone think of “Utopia?” I liked it alot. Derek Jacobi was pretty awesome and I loved the scenes with the Doctor and Jack. Very good music too. The last 20 minutes or so were really tense-I actually got out of my chair and was standing in front of the tv.
I’m trying so hard to be unspoiled for both Doctor Who and Torchwood, but the internet makes it really hard!
I thought the end of Utopia was intense, and very well done. I didn’t care much for The Last of the Time Lords. Without giving things away, I thought there were parts that were a bit hokey, the CGI was lame (you’ll see what I’m talking about), and the plot resolution was too over-the-top that made little sense. Otherwise, it was great to see Captain Jack work his magic!
i concur
i dont like touchwood
i think very highly of the New doctor though
Yeah, David Tennant is very good in the role, equal to any of the previous timelords.
Just finished the first three seasons and started Torchwood. Torchwood is okay. I like Dr Who a lot more. The last episodes of each season are my favorite. Can’t wait for season 4
Apparently after series four they’re gonna take a year break to work on other projects.
Yeah, Tennant is going to be playing Hamlet opposite Patrick Stewart. There’s going to be 3 specials, but no season 5 until 2010 or something. I’m planning a trip to the UK next year, and I’d love to get tickets.
That would be cool to see. I’m betting that Patrick will be playing the murderous king and David will play Hamlet. On the other hand if the casting was bad, Patrick could play the Gravedigger and David could play Horatio…
I think David as Hamlet and Patrick as Lady Macbeth woul be fun to see as well.