Another list - Top 10 Best Scifi Ships

Top 10 best ships, put up by IGN:

I had to vote Serenity! Although I don’t really see Serenty as a ship, it’s more like a home for my favorite crew. :slight_smile:

That is exact-ly what I thought. Word for word. :smiley:

I have to go off the list and say Moya, from Farscape.

Runner up would be the Liberator, from Blake’s 7, also off the list.

I voted other because if any of these had been on the list they would have gotten my vote:

USS Defiant (NX-74205)
Last Starfighter “Gunstar”
TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space)

No mention of the White Star, how dare they.

There have been so many great ships over the years. Serenity, the Galactica, Enterprise(s) (E+D are the coolest), Defiant, Moya, Planet Express Ship and of course The Spinny ship. I’ll probably have to go with Serenity, the picture they used in that article has been my wallpaper for well over a year now.

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (no -A, -B, -D , -Q or -Z for me …). Nothing holds a place in my heart like he original. I remember studying every centimeter of the deck plans when I was a kid…

Glad to see a mention on this thread of the Liberator from Blake’s 7, since I’m at present doing my own private rewatch of that series.

My vote was for the Jupiter II from Lost In Space. I even have a set of blueprints at home.

Now that’s a space-faring Winnebago…

Here’s a blooper from some sort of reunion show.

Almost voted for the Eagle-5, thinking it was the Space: 1999 Eagles. Still the best fictional ship design I’ve seen.

The Oddesey from Stargate :slight_smile:
with asgard upgrades
and TARDIS, it soooooooooooo owns

“Best” can mean so many things, and picking a favorite ship would almost be like picking a favorite child, so I’m gonna limit myself to design. That is, design that I feel best illustrates the “character” of the ship.

I’ve always loved the look of the Klingon Birds of Prey.
To me, they just seem like the Harleys of space.
But I think the shadow ships from B5 look amazingly ominous. About as alien a ship as I’ve ever seen. So I vote them.

Other favorite looks: Flash Gordon retro, 2001’s NASA extrapolations, Thunderbirds cool.
…and just as a concept: the city-sized transformer SDF-1 from Robotech.

There are no Klingon BoP! Romulan Bird of Prey FTW!

HATED that they just bought D-5s once the production team lost the RBOP model…

Yeah, I’m old. Get off my lawn.

Hmmmmm. You’re kinda right Pike, cuz I was thinking of the old-school long-necked battlecruisers with the rounder fronts (like the ones that got zapped in the beginning of ST:TMP).

And I know I’m no expert by any means, and I could be talkin’ out my afterburner, but if I’m wrong in saying that there are Klingon BOPs, then these are wrong too:

Yeah, I thought the Klingons did have Bird of Prey too, and they’ve always been one of my favorites, although I voted for Serenity! Brendon - the Defiant, good one! I didn’t think of that one until you mentioned it.

Boba Fett’s slave 1 ship! Not to mention the toy was really cool too.



Dude, the TARDIS!!! I forgot about that. I feel ashamed.

Klingon Bird of Prey

Romulan Bird of Prey

do not confuse with:

Romulan Warbird

Klingon D5

voted other
SDF-1 Macross (Macross:DYRL Version)
USSS discovery (2001/2010)
Rodger Young (Bug Hunt ok Starship Troopers)
Super Star Destroyer (Star Wars)

Klingon D-5, D-7, Bord of Prey.

Enterprise A. The TNG ones were awful.

Stargate Deathglider.

Darth’s TIE fighter.