Another Last Supper Show

Only clue I’m getting from those is that they have no fracking idea how to finish the story. After all this has happened before and will happen again.

Could Locke be the mitochondrial eve ?

with my expert knowledge of the show lost, i am going to conclude after comparing both pictures that the asians/bald guy/and fat guy are sitting in the wrong place.

joking aside, the two lost pictures have different seating…

by the way, i hope they do this for a purpose, because for publicity stunt, well, it’s been done before. if this is going to be a trend, i hope they go back and do some of the classic scifi shows. DS9 Last Supper at Quarks, for example, would have made a lot of sense. Sisko cooks and is the emissary, and he dies but not really at the end of the series.

Lost seems late to the game, but they do have a rich history of religious symbolism. My favorite is from Fire+Water. You can barely see the Nigerian plane crash in the background before a dove ascends…

and then Hurley appears as John the Baptist…


Ha! Love it! :smiley: