Angel 5x16 Shells

Starting at 10 PM…

Starting now…

“My name. You would presume to speak my name?”

Aw, crap. :eek:

Honestly Wesley, chopping off your girlfiend’s head is geting to be a habit with you…

Particularly since it never seems to help.

You will need a bigger axe Wesley.

I Like him trying to talk Illiria into leaving.

“It’s like offal in my mouth!”

Mmm, offal. :stuck_out_tongue:

“The world is truly overrun with humans… and I have work to do.” :cool:

“Here is a drink, very far away.” :wink:

“Death doesn’t have to be the end.”

Oh, Angel-Cakes.

It should be. It really should. :frowning:

Nocks is asking for another beating.

Joss Whedons enjoys killing this guy. :slight_smile:

And he makes it slow too… Always bloody. :wink:

What on earth is an 11yr old doing with the forbidden texts? Bad parenting is to blame for Fred’s death. :frowning:

“My last Kwa’Ha’Zon was taller.” :smiley:

People always say that kids should read more. This is what happens. :frowning:

Is Illiria wearing N7 armor?

It’s like the Venom symbiote. :slight_smile:

So, What’s the window budget at W&H?

That’s gotta sting a bit. Ouch.