Angel 5x08 Destiny

Wednesday, 26 October 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Look what I made. It’s called Willy.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…



Drucilla is back! :slight_smile:

“…I’ve been wondering what it would be like to share the slaughter of innocents with another man.”

IBIMB :stuck_out_tongue:

This sceen is the start of a lot of slash fiction…

“Well, that was a slap and a tickle.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Spike’s a real boy!

Take that, Pinocchio! :stuck_out_tongue:

DUN DUN DUN! Who is sending mail to Spike?

“Stop touching me!” :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, I know Harmony is easy, but really…

Aw, Angelus is jealous. :frowning:

“It’s like she’s got a bit of a child still in her.”
“Perhaps two or three by now.” :smiley:

Not replacing the toner really is annoying.

So if they are doing a nooner, why are they still wearing pants?

Love this dude. :slight_smile:

“I miss Wesley.”

Love the two of them fighting over the phone.

Like an old married couple. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Don’t be fingering the robots.”

It’s as bad as touching a man’s dice…

In a way, they are…