Angel 4x18 Shiny Happy People

Wednesday, 3 August 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“In the beginning, before the time of man, great beings walked the
earth. Untold power emanated from all quarters, the seeds of what
would come to be known as good and evil. But the shadows
stretched and became darkness, and the malevolent among us grew
stronger. The earth became a demon realm. Those of us who had
the will to resist left this place, but we remained ever-watchful.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…

Lorne trying to follow Fred. So cute. (Fred that is…) :wink:

“My god!”
“People keep saying that.” :smiley:

Gina’s speach here makes me think that Jasmine is a tool of the PTB. Or that the PTB were one of her tools.

I just assumed that she was one of the Powers, just like she said. I mean, why should she lie? Anyone she gave that speech to would be under her spell anyway.

“You don’t have a name.”
“We should give you a name.”

Is that Crashdown? :eek:

Peroxide. Definitely peroxide. :rolleyes:

I’ll trust your judgment. I don’t normally get blood in my cloths.

Angel in the yellow stripes.


Just no.

“It’s too Diva, isn’t it? Diva - Deity, it’s a fine line.”

So thinking about Jasmine, and the Mayor for that matter, is being nice really scary?

Good thing Fred is really smart and has seen creepy before, otherwise she would have been locked up.

Or eaten. :eek:

It is Crashdown! I had no idea Sam Witwer was ever on Angel.

I’ve been in hospital Psych wards, they have thick doors with locks on them, not glass doors.
(I was visiting family at the time, family wasn’t visiting me. ;))

And now Fred is being stupid. Wesley is really under Jasmine’s spell. She should know better than that.

Yeah, not a lot of potentially sharp things around, that’s for sure.

(I was visiting family at the time, family wasn’t visiting me. ;))

Sure. Sure, I believe you. :rolleyes:

Frd should know that cutting off Lorne’s head would only iritate him. The others should know that too.