Angel 4x17 Inside Out

Wednesday, 27 July 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“No one comes back from Paradise. Well, a Slayer once, but…”

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Starting now…

Angel has Spidey sense. :smiley:

Shame he doesn’t wear tights too. :stuck_out_tongue:

“What… are… you?”


That’s an odd moment with the Magic eight ball.

let me just say up front. I hate this episode. a lot.

Darla and Skip are nice elements, but they can’t help me get past the ooginess :frowning:

As a side note to the previous discussion, it seems that Angel will be ahead of Buffy even until the last episodes. Angel finishes his last episode and comes back for Buffy’s Finally.

That Lizzie Borden thing is neat. AFAIK, that was just a theory from a TV movie with Elizabeth Montgomery.

And that’s just how Evil evil Cordy is.

And now Cordy is kissing Connor.


I feel bad for Conner in this episode. Poor kid, douchebag or not, was just utterly manipulated by someone he thought he loved. :frowning:

And if Connor were older, Cordy’s speech would be a large red flag.

“If I’m not back in a couple hours…”
“You’re dead, we’re screwed, and it’s the end of the world.” :smiley:

Hard to be believe that Skip is Roy from The Office.

Did anyone ever think that “The Powers That Be” might have been the ones that let Cordy’s baby come into being as a way to fight Wolfram & Hart.

“You know, I’ve always wondered: How many chunks you gotta hack off a vampire before it goes all dust bunny?” :smiley:

and one of the “very special things” should have been a deal breaker. Connor is a moron

That’s always been my contention. Jasmine really was the force for good that she claimed to be.

Give the kid a break. He grew up in a rough neighborhood with a psychopath for a father. Critical thinking skills weren’t his strong suit.

I like what you said about the dichotomy of Buffy and Angel’s battles this year. you’re very smart, Mr B :slight_smile: