Angel 2x09 The Trial

Well, Twitter was all fail-whale around 10, so maybe it only tries a certain number of times and then gives up.

Or maybe your alert broke Twitter. :eek:

I can see that, but I like to think of it like the Vorlon vs. Shadow conumdrum: good and evil really depend on POV, and neither is as absolute as they appear to be.

You are not going to the meetup either? If I wasn’t working this weekend, I would have suggested a Meetup East. Guess i’ll just have to listen to the talkshoe.

Arguably, if none of us are going, maybe we should just keep in the B5 frak on the schedule anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Night guys.

Good night, Alex. :slight_smile:

B5 stories highlight the grey between Black and White. Angel and Buffy sometimes have gray decisions, but the characters are more black and white.

We have three, and that makes a quarum. Let’s keep the B5 frak party, to heck with all those people having fun in Texas. :wink:

That means I gots to edit a bunch again. Ugh! Can we watch Citizen Kane instead? giggle How 'bout Shawshank Redemption or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or Taxi Driver? Perhaps something Texas related…Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. The stars at night are big and bright clap clap clap Deep in the heart of Texas!!

Buffy was always more clear-cut. Angel, in general, was almost always shades of grey. IMO, of course.

We have three, and that makes a quarum. Let’s keep the B5 frak party, to heck with all those people having fun in Texas. :wink:

I don’t know if they’re planning something online at that time, but I’m definitely up for some sort of frakkin’ this weekend if I can’t be there. :slight_smile:

You’ve already changed them? OK, then let’s do something else. Unfortunately, my movie selection is somewhat limited at my parents’ house, and I’m not sure I’ll get an opportunity to run home before then. And I’m on mobile broadband, which isn’t Netflix Instant Watch friendly.

Anything on Comcast on Demand? :rolleyes: