American Horror Story 1x12 Afterbirth

Sunday, 21 December 2011
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

“Just come see it.”

Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen? :slight_smile:

What’d I miss?

Flashback to before they got the house, and then Ben yelling & unable to find anyone else in the house.

Oh, that’s just fucked up.

And he’s drowning in OCD. :eek:

ETA: Oh. That’s worse. :eek:

Huh. Didn’t see that coming. :eek:

“Well, at least they weren’t murdered.”

Technically. :eyebrow:

I like this concept. Just keep adding characters. :smiley:

"I guess

you people

tolerate heat heat better than us gringos, am I right?"

Seriously? Seriously?

A quick google search of that address would save a whole lot of people a whole lot of pain. :frowning:

She keeps the baby in the mirror punishment closet? Creepy.

Uh-oh. Angry Tate is angry. :eek:

No no not another baby :mad:

This show just gets more and more disturbing. :eek:

Can’t quite see where this is going. Good ghosts vs bad ghosts?

Disturbing and depressing. Not gonna be able to sleep without watching Care Bears o Fraggles or something.

No way these people are staying another night. They’re getting the full treatment. :eek:

It’s 6 months of horror in one night.

Oh shit Vivian and Ben holy crap

It’s like the couple in Beetlejuice! Bwhahahahaha! :smiley:

Hahaha YES!