here is something… why are the guys they want ( or we joke) to play Khan, hispanic. I understaand Ricardo Moltaban was hispanic… but his chracter wasn’t. He was Indian ( dots, not feathers), acording to Space Seed, the WoK novelization, and the Khan books, and every other referance guide ever printed with Khan’s info in it. So I don’t get why the abrams people, fan people, or anybody else keeps nameing only, or even mostly, or really even moe than one hispanic actor to play him.
I know it’s not a big deal, but it reakes of a greater problem… it means that people aren’t really giving a crap about what is happening in a trek episode, they’re just looking at a clip and saying " Mr. Rourke played Khan, fans like Khan… get me that kid from the 70’s show on the double!"
assistant " uh sir,… why?"
“cause he young and hispanic, that’s what Khan is , right?”
“well, if sulu can be a chineese guy from a stoner film that fences with a katana… I guess khan was the ruler of mexico!”