For me, swimming is my main cardio right now. Hub and I have been going a few times a week, an hour at a time. The workouts vary, meaning sometimes the coaches have us work on a specific stroke, or flip turns, etc. Sometimes they have us focus on breathing- for example you breathe every 3, then every 5, then every 7 strokes. By the time I get to 7 I want to die, haha!
But the other day it was all about endurance, and the goal was
not to stop more than 20 seconds between each set, so as to keep your heart rate up. It was a bitch. The workout was 2700 yards total, but I think we only did about 2200. It’s funny, but Hub and I have noticed some differences in how we work out- he is a much better sprinter, while I hate to sprint and am better at the long distances. But it is by far the best cardiac workout I have done in a long time. I’ve always wanted to pick up running, but was never disciplined enough to keep at it. Swimming is good for me, because I have a coach on deck giving me direction. If left to my own devices I just goof off and don’t complete a work out.