I am Neutral Good
and I suppose that’s ok
I am Neutral Good
and I suppose that’s ok
Yeah I realized about halfway through that when they talked about government they meant feudal monarchy. Whoops, that wasn’t what I was thinking of when I answered the first ones… so maybe I should re-do it.
I am not alone!
Well when I did the thing earlier today I got Lawful Neutral, but I did it again just now (since I didn’t think about the governmental system until after I took the quiz the first time), and now I got Lawful Good. So, um… ?
Curses! I so wanted to be not in a group by myself lol
Is OCD Good an option? I haven’t kept up with fourth edition…
I too am True Neutral. Let all my neutral brothers and sisters sit here next to me and watch from afar as the kingdom comes crumbling to the ground. We will live to flee another day.
Neutral evil for me. I feel pretty good about that outcome, which I think proves it right.
[i]Neutral Good
A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is “true good.” Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.[/i]
Huh? I consider myself Naughty Good. Oh well…
Lawful Good
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
Yeah, I understand that there is no way to encompass everything, but on this one I was looking for a box to check that just wasn’t going to be there.
I also had trouble with the questions about the community until I thought of the “community” in terms of my own personal network of social and emotional supports on whom I rely and with whom I interact regularly. I thought of “King and country” as the physical community and governance regime.
I score Chaotic Good. Good hearted and free spirited. That’s pretty much me, actually. Sadly, I remain the only one. Thankfully, the team of Chaotics is pretty dreamy–just imagine the hijinks that Badger, Default Prophet and I can get up to if we work together!
It says true neutral, in my heart I am neutral good. I wish I was chaotic good.
That’s a great description of a Lawful Good Character, but when are you going to tell us your results.
Lawful good for me
I don’t know what this is but I like to think that’s a good result!