Adult tonsil-ectomy?

Have any o’y’all had your tonsils out as adults? Can anyone offer some hard-won knowledge advice about recovering, recuperating, eating, etc?


My wife had them out and sorry to say it took a long time to recover for her. She still has trouble swallowing dry foods. The surgery didn’t take too long, but she couldn’t talk right for some months.

Urgh. Not what I wanted to hear, but good to know. What’d she eat the first week or two after?


she was stubborn, and ate food she probably shouldn’t have, mostly mashed potatoes.

I had them out at 30. I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. Fortuantely the liquid percocet had me sleeping through most of the pain but I did get very week to the point where my service dog in training at the time had to help me into bed at one point. One of the most vivid memories I had was when I woke up from surgery and threw up thanks to the anesthetic.

Mostly I was on a liquid diet. Cases of Ensure just like you see on the get away boat for the Secretary of Defense in Deep Impact. Okay…so not that many but it sure helps to stock up. In the movies and TV ice cream seemed to be a main food item but I hardly could eat any. I’m not sure if that was from the pain or from the percocet but I just wasn’t really hungry. Nowadays I’d probably be into smoothies but I didn’t even know what a smoothie was back then.

Two weeks after the surgery I made the mistake of trying a burger and chips. It tasted so good but the ships hurt my throat so much! I was crying from pain and pleasure all at the same time.

The second week I made it a point to get out in the neighborhood and walk to regain strength and energy. Still, I wouldn’t recommend any hard exercise for at least 2-3 weeks.

Plan on sleeping alot and trying to drink as much water as you can stomach!

~Shooter Out

Thanks! Excellent recon info!

I got someone going through it right now too…she got them pulled on Friday, she’s been very cranky and irritable (but that’s her normal personality)…she won’t leave the house, and she’s not eating or drinking much of anything…I do think alot of her negative reaction to this is just her combative personality, but she’s not having the best of time with it…sorry