A Visit From St. Ron

A Visit From St. Ron

'Twas the night before skiffy would show us the last,

Ten eps that would get all our hearts beating fast;

The Cavils were hung by the goo bath with care,

In hopes the last Cylon soon would be there;

Tory was nestled all snug in her bed,

While outside in space Cally drifted by, dead;

And Laura in her 'kerchief, Lee not flying CAP,

Were butting their heads o’er political craaap,

When from CIC there arose such a clatter,

They jumped to the Dradis to see what was the matter.

Away to his station Gaeta moved like a snail,

Wondering, “When I stabbed Baltar, why did I fail?”

The blips on the screen showed something was close,

And he thot, “When will Hoshi bring my next dose?”

When, what to Tigh’s wondering eye should appear,

But a beaten-up basestar with Eights quivering in fear.

Adama unlatched his big phone with a click,

And “Action stations” was soon booming through the old ship.

More rapid than Sam in a Pyramid game,

The Viper jocks down in Joe’s Bar did exclaim,

"Now, Racetrack, now Rookie, Hotdog and Kingston,

On Starbuck, on Seelix, Tailgate and T-Bone!"

Through launch tubes they sped, their engines a’howl,

And even Lee piloted one, in a towel.

As soon as they launched, Racetrack saw in the sky,

“Some kind of small ship,” she reported to Tigh.

So up to the landing bay entrance they flew,

With the strange little craft, and an escort or two.

And then, with Marine detail leading the way,

Adama and Roslin approached the red sleigh.

As the ice in his whiskey glass swirled gently 'round,

Ol’ RDM left his cockpit with a bound.

He was wearing blue Levi’s and a shirt from the Gap,

And suddenly someone cried out, “It’s a trap!”

A bundle of scripts he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a grad student opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples, how evil!

I saw now how Cavil became such a skeeve-l.

His cruel sharp mind, it worked like a clock,

And the beard on his chin made him look like Bad Spock;

The butt of a cig he held tight in his teeth,

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;

He had a broad face and a voice that was pleasant,

'Specially when big noisy trash trucks weren’t present.

His hair, it was poofy; there was so much of it,

I knew there’d be some who’d find reason to covet;

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

Soon gave me to know I had oodles to dread;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

He killed all the redshirts; teased he’d bring back ol’ Dirk.

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, off the soundstage he rose;

He made for L.A., to cast and crew gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle,

But he said to the crowd, as he swerved to avoid it,

“It’s been a great ride; hope you enjoyed it.”

Merry Christmas to Chuck, Sean, and Audra,
and all our GWC friends

Lady D and Topgun

Oh, for frak’s sake, call that in!


While not totally GWC-connected (I thought Dee would be a librarian in civilian life), this is what I just got posted earlier: http://lisnews.org/listen_christmas_special

And Topgun, do you want a dramatic reading competition on Friday on TalkShoe?

As an aspiring writer, I just gotta say, [FONT=“Book Antiqua”]This is Genius~![/FONT]

These are my favorite parts. It kept getting better. Holy Frak! That was amazing. You so have to call that in!!

That was ten kinds of awesome, we definitly need a dramatic reading!

Totally frakking amazingly incredibly invincibly merrily wonderfully stupendously awesome.
(caution: that was so good it is causing a temporary shortage adjectives. Please be patient as we wait for more adjectives to be delivered from the factory. Do not panic).
Well done Lady and Topgun.
Merry X-mas!!!


We, the community of GWC, humbly request that you, the lords of GWC, take turns to recite the above poem, line-by-line…until the part where you all say, “Craap” together.

oh please, please, please… it’s gonna be the hottest download on GWC ever! :D:p;)

Bravo! That is great :slight_smile:

I wish there was a slack-jawed emoticon. Brilliant!

Someone had a jaw-dropping one. That’d work.

Absolutely EXCELLENT!!

you have got to get that in!!!

simply splendid. the hard work im sure you put into making that has resulted in much delight:-)

I posted a few xmas GWC vids here, if you’d like to enjoy.

went a little jibjab crazy…

Holy CRAAAAAP Lady D and Topgun, that is AWESOME!!!

You guys are incredible. His hair was so poofy…LOL!!

The visuals you two invoked are so brilliant! Lee in a viper wearing a towel… Cavil chillin’ by the goo bath…Tory in bed while Cally floats by her window, her vacant dead eyes…:eek:


trying to find a good place to put things, but since this is the same genre, here ya go:

Come and listen to a story about a man called Baltar
A scientist-ladies’ man, from bed he wasn’t far
Then one day he was hitting on a blonde,
The next thing he knew she blocked him from a Bomb

A nuke, that is, weapons free
Well the first thing you know Baltar’s on the run
Had to get on the raptor before his time was done
Helo said: “Here, take my seat from me!”
So he loaded up his stuff and moved to Galactickee!

The Ol’ Girl, that is. No runway models nor movie stars

Well, maybe 6 or 8

So now its time to say goodbye to Baltart now that he’s found some balcubines

And they would like to thank the one true God and hope you’re feelin’ fine

You’re all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin’ helpin’ of his “hospitality”

“Free love” that is. Set a spell, take your clothes off

Y’all have a goo bath, now, y’hear?

By my command …

a bump for the holiday. should’ve written something new. Merry Christmas, GWC!