A Request of GWC Mass Effect Fans

Some of y’all probably don’t recognize my handle–and I don’t know why you would because I’m a horrible, horrible forum lurker–but I’m Abigail Manuel from the DnD podcast.

I’m posting here because I need some help. I’m working on a script for a ME1/ ME2 DLC, and I’m trying to get a feel for the dialog. I have played the game through several times, but I have never gone full renegade, and I sure as heck have never looked at the neutral options–in other words, I don’t know what being a jerk in ME sounds like. What I’m looking for is someone who has captured video of their play time–specifically the dialog interactions.

I have found a lot of battle, love scene, and endgame videos on Youtube, but none of them are made specifically to capture dialog. I’m looking for character interactions, especially among squadmates, but also with other quest givers like Admiral Hackett and The Illusive Man. I know this is a huuuuge thing to ask, but if anyone has videos like this, or needs a good excuse to run through ME1 or ME2, post links here. I’ll take anything.

In addition to this, I’d like to start a discussion. How does Mass Effect’s dialog compare to other video games that you, as gamers, have played? What makes Mass Effect your favorite game story-wise? Who are your favorite characters and why?

Any help is appreciated. Peace out, y’all! Have a good week!

I know we have a lot of ME players here, anyone able to do a renegade runthrough?

Mass Effect 1 Renegade dialogue:


Mass Effect 2 Renegade dialogue:


as a non-gamer who totally wishes she were a gamer, this was fascinating.


Thanks that helps me with the characterization of Renegade dialog. Now I need how many tiers and options are normal for a conversation. Yanno what I mean?

This might be a start at understanding the mechanics. This site may be interesting, but I haven’t registered.

BTW, does anyone else think of Archer when they see renegade Shepard?

I think the most important thing to remember when writing ME dialog is (as the crew have pointed out in the past) is that the Radial = What you are thinking, the voice over script = story.

When you do a Google search use “Game(ME or ME2)”“Character or Storyline”“Renegade”. There are a lot of Let’s Play’s out there.

If all else fails just PM Default Prophet and ask what his response would be. He is a real life Renegade. :cool:

So does anyone know how it works when you play though on a character once as a paragon and the second time as a renegade (or vice versa) which choices import into ME2? Is it the decisions you made in the last playthough that carry over?

This is true. Also I’ve done full renegade runs of both games and my “This is what I’d choose” tends towards Renegade.

Been a while since I did an import, but I think you get to choose.

You don’t just start playing, you actually import the character. You get the way he/she looks, and you get the ramifications of all decisions from the first game.

So you could (and I did) play through twice, once paragon and once renegade, and see how the world is (slightly) different in each circumstance.

Maybe I didn’t say exactly what I meant. If you play through ME1 more than once on the same character, then import it into ME2, do the decisions you made in your first playthrough of ME1 have any affect or just the last playthrough before importing it into ME2?

Double checked on the Mass Effect wiki.


If a player beats Mass Effect multiple times on a single Shepard, either by saving and re-loading or by starting a new game plus, each “victory” will be a separate Shepard that the player may import to Mass Effect 2. The player need not worry that they are over-writing one of their Shepards, and may review all the major specifications and decisions of a Shepard before they choose to import the file to ensure it is the right file.


Just found this. Fun for me as I always play paragon. When I try to play renegade I soon get bored. This clip appears to be all of the renegad highlights.