Cool. I’d love to see some pictures of that. On a related note, in the movie did anyone else think that the old Camaro was far cooler than the new concept car that it changed into
Holy craaap, that’s incredibly cool. But I don’t just want to take my picture with it. I want one for my very own. I’m sure the homeowner’s association would probably balk at an 18’ Bumblebee in my yard, but probably not as much as they’d balk at me building a structure over him to protect him from the elements. (Hey – as many times as he’s had his ass kicked protecting me, I can pony up to keep him from getting rained on. I mean, assuming I had the money to buy/build him. In my, you know, happy place. Right?)
Nice. I wonder how many people 'round these parts will get it?
Yeah, there was something special about that '76 model. In fact, Sean and I came within a heartbeat of buying one and making our own – car, of course, not transforming robot. (I’m serious. We chickened out at the last minute, and have regretted it ever since. What would’ve been cooler than rolling up to the movie in that car?)
If that thing comes within a hundred miles of me I am totally running out to get a picture with him. I mean really… is there anything on the planet cooler than Bumblebee? I think not!! I’d drag Chuck along to make sure he got about 50 pics of me with him too!
What a guy, what a guy.
A few maybe. I’m a pretty big fan. I’ve been watching it for a long time. It’s shown on television a lot here
Rolling up in a huge red and blue truck??