A new series?

Looks like there may be a new post-Voyager Trek series in the pipeline.


The series is highly energized with a much younger cast, and uses cutting-edge future technologies with newly envisioned special effects and designs. It includes Klingons, Ferengi, Andorians, Vulcans, Trill, and many more. The Klingons are getting very restless since the Praxis incident forced them to come to the peace tables, and are tired of having to rely on the Federation for support. The Ferengi have discovered a vast new resource that has propelled them towards instant riches and power beyond anything they have previously experienced.

Im intrigued…

I like the idea, mainly the part about it being a post-Voyager era show set in the original timeline. In any case, it is a long way from happening and this is hardly the first series idea to hit the internets in the last few years.

Foster happily reported that he’d already gotten the encouragement and advice of several people involved with previous incarnations of Star Trek, including former producers, artists, and writers. However, there are still several steps to go before Foster’s vision actually comes to life. The production is currently seeking an executive producer to help pitch the project to CBS.

I’m slightly worried they will just want to wait until after this series of movies is done…

I am waiting to hear the words “darker” and “edgier” and perhaps more “gritty” used to describe this possible incarnation. Ha.

I’m excited about this idea. A return to the high-energy of the Kirk-era TV show. I like the idea.
Gotta be on a ship though. I don’t want no space-station crap.

And it would probably be the only show on TV set on a space ship so it could totally corner the market

I am waiting to hear the words “darker” and “edgier” and perhaps more “gritty” used to describe this possible incarnation. Ha.

And I think we need to ban those words from use in press releases describing new shows. Ok, maybe not “dark”, but what does “edgy” even mean?