A Day in the Life of, Raymond, the Alien

Inspired by this post and podcast #180, I give you “A Day in the Life of, Raymond, the Alien”.


The Colonial Marine spaceship Sulaco floated through space carrying four survivors of the holocaust on LV-426. Three humans lay in stasis while the android Bishop was temporarily taken offline. The computer monitored the progress of the ship and the functions of its occupants as they made their way toward Earth. It relayed all this information to the ever-vigilant benefactor, Weyland-Yutani Corporation, including the presence of Alien eggs.

When the Corporation first heard the news that Ellen Ripley had once again foiled their plans to acquire a xenomorph, it planned to launch a battle cruiser to destroy the Sulaco and rid the universe of this menace. Instead after two weeks in flight the report came in that the Alien queen had indeed laid eggs on the Sulaco before Ripley destroyed her.

The bowels of the Sulaco hummed. Sensing the presence of life forms, the Alien egg opened. A facehugger emerged and began to seek out its prey. It approached one of the stasis chambers and searched for an entry point. It slapped against the glass to no avail. Flailing back and forth one of its extremities pressed the open button. It entered and covered its host, Hicks. Since the stasis was interrupted, Hicks’ body functions were slowly returned. Before he could regain consciousness, an Alien had expelled from his chest.

In the weeks to come, the Alien grew and found it had nothing to do. It was on a relatively empty ship in the vastness of space. Inquisitive by nature the Alien surveyed its environment. First it found the bridge and started manipulating some switches. Alerts sounded and the ship began to rock side to side. The computer reprimanded and voiced its concern. The Alien retraced its actions. The ship leveled and the alarms rescinded.

The Alien backed out of the room, bumping its head on the doorway. Dazed and somewhat perturbed it walked into the Mess hall. On the far side of the room one of the monitors flickered and began to play an instructional video on how to obtain provisions from the dispensers. Making its way over to the monitor, the Alien tilt its head fascinated. It reached toward a knob adjacent to the monitor. The video changed. Melodramatic music filled the room. A man grasped the upper arms of a woman and pulled her close to him. She tried to protest but he wrapped his arms around her. The Alien inched closer to the screen. The couple kissed passionately. The Alien was enthralled. Over the next several hours, the Alien had found a couch, propped onto it, and sat glued to the monitor while it played several romance operas.

The next day the Alien decided to mimic some of the things it had witnessed on the monitor. It found a bathroom and started the shower. Dispersing soap and rubbing it along its elongated skull, it opened its mouth allowing water to enter and gargled. It turned off the shower, grabbed a towel and dried off. It wrapped the towel around its torso and looked in the mirror. It snarled bearing its teeth. Looking left it saw a tube and a brush. It applied the tube’s contents to the brush and began brushing its exterior teeth. Filled with surprised satisfaction the Alien exposed its inner mouth and brushed its little mouth’s teeth also.

Feeling refreshed the Alien bounced into the crew quarters. It opened a closet to peruse its contents. Spotting something of interest, it removed the garment and draped it over its frame. It turned toward the mirror and admired its appearance. The Alien paraded back and forth, posing and shifting to view its image from different angles. While it was engaged, it neglected to negotiate a piece of furniture. It turned too quickly and stubbed its toe on the corner of a table. The pain caused the Alien to grasp its toe and hop. Since the floor was still wet, the Alien lost its balance and crashed to the ground. Aggravated by its foolishness, the Alien stormed from the quarters nursing its toe and ego.

Still fuming, the Alien decided to relax. It sat in front of the monitor and played with the knob again. The screen shifted through several images. Finally the Alien stopped. The screen displayed playing cards. The Alien fingered the roller on the panel. The arrow on the screen moved. The Alien clicked one of the buttons and a card was selected. It dragged the card over to another place holder. It took some getting used to but before long the Alien got the gist. Game after game, the Alien played. Over time it even figured out the key command to cheat, revealing the hidden place card. Once again the Alien was filled with self-satisfaction.

Meanwhile on another part of the ship, another egg opened and another facehugger emerged. The facehugger found the chamber occupied by Ellen Ripley. Unlike the hugger before it, this hugger smashed through the glass cutting itself. The wound bled on the floor and burned through. This caused an electrical fire. Alarms blared and initiated an evacuation sequence. The stasis pods were ejected from the ship.

The Alien heard the alarms sound and started playing with the knobs again. Nothing happened. In the distance it heard something separate from the ship. It went to the nearest window and watched the escape pod float away. Concerned the Alien searched for the cause. It found the bay engulfed in flames. Looking on the floor it saw a used facehugger. The Alien went back to the monitor and began to type on the keyboard. It chose the keys carefully. When it concluded the screen read, “CRAAAAP!!”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 'Talos, you have a gift!

I was giggling most of the time I read your story, talos, but I completely lost it when I pictured the xenomorph playing SOLITAIRE :smiley:

brushing its littlemouth teeth, watching soap operas…you’re killing me! well done, sir!

Oh my gods, that is so aweseome.
“It turned too quickly and stubbed its toe on the corner of a table. The pain caused the Alien to grasp its toe and hop.”
Oh what a frecious klling machine he his!!

Bio-weapon turned Nancyboy. Brilliant!

I think this calls for a mock-up of the Alien in the red dress, or a frilly frock!

Topgun…! You hear me calling you?!


Talos. Ossim as usual. thumbs up!

I’m thinking mu-mu.

Yeah. I didn’t describe that too well. In my head, it was a garment draped over the shoulders like a cape and eventually made its way to the hips as a mini-skirt. The Alien was workin’ it.

Thank you everyone for your awesome comments. I really appreciate it.

Ye gods, 'Talos, that’s hilarious! Playing dress-up? bwhahahahaha! :smiley:

Now I’m picturing the Alien putting lipstick on.

And then on it’s little lips.

Alien: “I’d frak me.”

Have to say, I enjoyed seeing an Alien in this way. I really feel sorry for Raymond now. You’re awesome Talos!

Talos, this is hilarious - my favorite part is also the solitaire. Cheating at solitaire, lol!

I love Raymond. This deserves expansion, methinks. :slight_smile:

Talos FTW!

Maybe Raymond and Larry can team up and fight crime?

Just found this while doing research for the next installment:


Alien Loves Predator…NSFW

I think this one is my favorite.


Congratulations Frakkintalos it would appear that-

Everybody Loves Raymond!:smiley:

Thousands of miles above the planet Fiorina 161, an object drifted into orbit. The local star reflected light off the object making it sparkle. As the Alien glistened, it continued its descent into the planet’s gravity well. Unaware of the peril it faced, the Alien pondered on how it had recently escaped an entirely different endangerment.

A few days ago, the Alien was enjoying its stay on the starship Sulaco. It frolicked onboard perusing the computer entertainment tapes, basking in the shower, and joyfully dancing in front of a mirror. It could not have perceived that moments later it would be in the harsh vacuum of space.

A fire had started and the ship ejected the life pod containing the human passengers. The Alien was abandoned. The fire spread quickly and most of the ship’s systems were failing. The Alien frantically punched up the ship’s design searching for an escape route. Instinct took over and the Alien reacted. Smoke billowed throughout the compartment. The Alien dropped low to the ground and quickly crawled to its goal. Flames shot out from everywhere, as the Alien reached what it hoped would be an exit. It was a maintenance panel connected to the hull of the ship separated by only a foot of conductors and steel. The Alien burst through the panel and out into space.

As it turned uncontrollably, it looked back at the Sulaco. Each revolution revealed the glow of the fire in the windows of the vessel. Slowly the glow lessened until finally it was gone. The release of air suffocated the fire leaving a darkened hulk. The Alien sighed.

As the Alien fell toward Fiorina 161, it sighed again. So much time had passed in the vastness of space. The Alien tried desperately to keep its mind occupied. It stared into the void and thot, “Space is big. Really big. I can’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is.* It is all that is or ever was or ever will be.**” Filled with contemplation, the Alien collided with a spaceship. Considering the Alien just thot how Space is big, vastly hugely mindbogglingly big, it goes without saying what an incredible coincidence it was. Before the Alien could continue to revel in further contemplation about this event, it found itself being dragged across the hull of the vessel.

Inside the vessel, alarms blared. The ship’s sensors had detected the life readings that the Weyland-Yutani Corporation considered an imperative. The extraction team had just returned, having failed their mission. The specimen Ellen Ripley carried had perished as a result of Ripley’s defiant suicide. Now the team stared in disbelief at the monitors that revealed the presence of another specimen outside the hull of their ship.

Through the frenzy, Michael Bishop screamed orders, “Launch the EVA! Prepare containment teams! Move it people!!“ The bay doors opened and three EVA pods emerged in a triangular formation, in an effort to surround and capture the specimen. As each pod approached it extended its robot arms. The Alien floated into their web and was captured. Carefully, the pods made their way back to the bay. Orders were relayed via wireless. To avoid contact or contamination, the pods released the Alien and allowed inertia to finish the job. The Alien drifted into the bay and the doors closed behind it.

Within the ship and outside the locked entrance to the bay, the extraction team waited in anticipation. Floating in the belly of the ship was their prize. Bishop arrived and stared through the observation window, “Alright people, we’ve been given a gift. Let’s not screw this up.” Bishop surveyed the team. “We don’t know enough about this thing to incapacitate it. We’ll have to lure it through the ship to the containment quarters. The marines will go in first.” He paused and eyed their weapons, “We want this thing alive. Holster your guns.” There were some grumbles but under the stare of Bishop it dissipated quickly. Bishop turned to the monitors. He pointed out the location and route to the containment quarters. He ordered groups of two to each section along the path. Finally he made a request, “We will need someone to act as bait in the actual quarters.” He peered at each face in turn. A disheveled woman in a lab coat who appeared to have literally just left her station still holding some paperwork said, “I’ll do it.” Bishop nodded and she exited.

Turning to the others Bishop motioned to the bay door. He fingered the panel which controlled the environmental systems. The monitor showed the readings change as normal atmosphere returned to the bay and the Alien slowly lowered to the floor. Bishop looked at the two marines and waited for their acknowledgement.

As the Alien floated to the ground, it was jubilant. It was no longer in the vacuum of space heading to its doom. It was back in the confines of a space vessel. Once it reached the ground it did a pirouette. Sound returned and it heard one of the pressure doors release some air. Overwhelmed with gratitude it rushed to its saviors and tried to embrace them. Unaware of its incredible strength the Alien crushed both humans together expelling their blood and flesh everyway. Shocked by what it had done, it tried to repair them by picking up their limbs and placing them together. It was futile.

In the doorway it saw more humans waving. Filled with a desire to apologize it ran toward them. To the Alien’s dismay, they ran away. Perhaps they thot the Alien was nefarious because of what just occurred. How could it convince them otherwise? It continued down the path searching for the others. As the Alien approached, the humans would lock the door blocking its way. Finally, there was a bright light and an open door. Standing in the doorway was a female. Thinking back to the entertainment tapes it had experienced in the past, a scenario played out in the Alien’s mind. Time slowed. The Alien ran to the door, staring at the young human. The Alien longed to show the human it was sorry. It reached the human. The scenario still playing, the Alien tried to mimic what it remembered. Mindful of its mistake earlier, it held the human carefully. It brought the human closer to it. They embraced. The Alien tilted its head, leaned in close and opened its mouth preparing for a kiss. At that moment, the little mouth emerged. The vicious impact exploded the human’s head in a magnificent eruption. Filled with frustration, the Alien thot, “CRAAAAP!!”

*Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
**Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

Thinking back to the entertainment tapes it had experienced in the past, a scenario played out in the Alien’s mind. Time slowed. The Alien ran to the door, staring at the young human. The Alien longed to show the human it was sorry. It reached the human. The scenario still playing, the Alien tried to mimic what it remembered. Mindful of its mistake earlier, it held the human carefully. It brought the human closer to it. They embraced. The Alien tilted its head, leaned in close and opened its mouth preparing for a kiss. At that moment, the little mouth emerged. The vicious impact exploded the human’s head in a magnificent eruption. Filled with frustration, the Alien thot, “CRAAAAP!!”

  • Frakkintalos

LMFrakkingAO. Great, thanks Talos. I will never be able to watch the slo-mo beach scene from “10” again without thinking of this!! :D:D

Thanx, TG.

I came up with that while talking to my wife in the kitchen. I was complaining about not being able to come up with an ending. I was like, “Raymond’s on the ship. He’s running through the frakkin halls. How do I end this?” My wife walked over to me, put her hand on the back on my head, pullled me close and kissed me. She said, “You’ll figure it out.” My mind sparked and I exclaimed, “That’s it!” She shrugged as I bolted for the laptop.