A Buck Rogers movie?

Ain’t it cool reports…

Heck, Reimagining worked for Battlestar.
…and they have Flash Gordon as a template for what not to do.

I think they would have a better chance of success if they took the basic idea but replaced the names. Buck Rogers just sound campy as a name these days. I am sure there are real people with that name, but on the big screen it just does not work for me. I like the basic concept of the story, but may they better leave tweety or twitty or twiggy or what the heck the cheesy robot side kick was, out of the movie.

Now if the movie was going to be written by gamers, they would likey have some hot babe in the lead role. I am sure some porn company will use the name Babe Rogers for their rip off porn version.

The bottomline, remakes are hit and miss. It all goes back to good character development and great stories. Ron Moore and his crew made BSG cool which is impressive. Few can say they brought back a franchise and fewer can say they brought a cheesy sci-fi series.

They better not frak with the theme music.

Not TOO much.

If they choose to, they should have Mr. McCreary do it.

I know what you mean.


Always did sound a bit porn-namey. Maybe they could rename him Frak Rogers?

Buck Naked Rogers

That’d be redundant. “To Roger” is slang for “To Frak” (British, IIRC.) So “Buck Rogers” can be translated as “Stud Fraks.”