#9: Novembeard

It’s Effin time again, and we rise to the occasion. Ish. Ok, we show up and do a podcast for whatever that’s worth. This week’s Eff This Week crew: Audra, Chuck, and Juan. Highlights: It’s a PODCAST! Ok. Seriously, I should crowdsource this. Help me out. Tell me what this podcast was about in comments, plz.
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Sorry for over-posting stuff last week. I really didn’t think I posted the Patrick Stewart pic that much. Oh, and the Vader/Cylons pic was when I was in line for one of the other pictures I got at the con.

…and I’ll see you on the dark side of the moob…

When the moob hits your eye like a big pizza pie.

Moob Over Miami.

shakes tiny fist

I missed it again! GAH!

What the hell is up with 9PM Eastern time? That’s like…like 3 AM for me. I demand everyone rearrange their schedule and the podcast be at about 1915 my time. Seriously, that would help.


See ya’ll next week!


I hear ya bro (GMT bro here), the only reason I managed to peek in one time was cos my son decided to wake up and not go back to sleep…

Ya, 7-8 EST would be ace :slight_smile:

Where I go to the gym, the treadmills all point to the main walkway, so I motivate myself sometimes that I can go and watch the “tennis MILFs.”

I am not 100% proud of this, but it gets me there.