#8: Girly Coffee

Eff you! All of you! Your Eff This Week crew this week: Audra, Chuck, and Juan. And yeah, we pretty much phone it in this week. Hell, Juan LITERALLY phones it in. Ok, he Skypes it in. Whatever. Either way, it’s a laid-back eff, but fun none the less.

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Here’s the picture the Crew was gushing over:

And here’s a picture of me in my Eli costume at the Con I went to Saturday. Never thought I’d spend this much on a picture with one person, but decided it was worth it.

Oh, man! I completely slept through it! I have to get up about 0355 the next morning in order to hear the previous evening’s 'cast live. I made the week prior, but missed this one! Bummer! I’ll absolutely make the next one.


I think I can clear up some of the issues regarding who exactly is British. The first thing is the full name of the nation is ‘The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’. Great Britain consisting of the island with England, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland being… well Northern Ireland. It is customary to refer to any citizens of the UK as ‘British’. British =/= English. Where it gets complicated is that a good portion of people who live in N. Ireland, some Scots and Welsh, and a growing number of English people don’t particularly like being called British. I find it best to refer to people from Scotland as Scottish, Wales as Welsh and England as English. Northern Ireland is a bit more complicated, even for someone like me who lives here, probably best to avoid the subject where possible or use whatever term the person you are speaking to uses.

My favorite text message notification tone (since all you iOS users can FINALLY customize that… AppleFail!)
